Great Progress, Greater Risk

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Author's Note

I tried so hard to get this out before midnight. It's 12:09 AM on December 15 as I type this. I missed it by 10 minutes. Yesterday was Matsuda-sempai's birthday.

Happy belated, Sempai!!


Great Progress, Great Risk


"Good morning, Ide!" [Y/ N] called out with a grin, stopping by the man's desk to greet him.

By this time she had been working for the NPC for a little more than a month, and had begun to get the hang of how the office worked. She rarely stuttered around her squad mates, unless something happened to cause particular distress.

This issue came up most often with one particular man.

"S-sempai!" The sole female member of the team had turned away from Ide only to nearly collide with Matsuda; bringing her far to close to him, "S-s-ryoy!"

And with that she darted to her desk to wait for a hole to swallow her up.

"Why does she only still do that around me?" Matsuda sulk, scratching his head, "I'm supposed to be her mentor...right? And we get along alright, right? So why does she freak out like that?"

Ide stared at Matsuda like the younger officer was an idiot (which actually, he was), "I have no idea"

As [Y/ N]'s confidant within the office, Ide had heard the other end of this story. And even if she didn't admit it, he was fairly certain she had developed feelings for Matsuda. But he wasn't going to interfere. He sighed and looked at some paperwork on his desk. She would be really mad if he spilled her secret before she even had a chance to be honest with herself.

"Don't you have work to do?" Ide muttered.

"Yeah," Matsuda sighed, "If she says anything, let me know."

And the fool walked over to his own desk .

"They're both idiots." Ide sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose..

Mogi merely grunted an agreement, the noise a reminder to anyone who may have forgotten he was present.


"Hey, [Y/N]," Ide called from across the room, "Do you have the files on that missing persons case from last week?"

"Yeah," The young officer called back, "The young mother and her little boy? I'm thinking maybe the boy's dad's family? There is no mention of a father or his family in any of the news articles...I mean if the father passed away and there is a family dispute"

"Or if it's an illegitimate child?" Matsuda piped from nearby, "I don't think I ever heard she was married..."

"Oh..." The woman fell silent a second, "I mean, th-there isn't anysing wr-wrong witch that, says course these of. Lust jove pannehs!  Telp ant tinc hewn oun loui laffy! Up own lIl tush ..."

With a bright blush she hid her face behind the papers she had been reading, wondering if it was possible to die of embarrassment.

A poorly stifled laugh from nearby caught her attention, and she glanced towards the source just in time to see Matsuda look back at his own papers. A smile clearly reached his eyes. It was quite possibly the brightest smile she had seen as of yet, and all she could see of it was sparkling brown eyes.

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