Why so Nervous, Why so Serious

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Author's Note

Hello, all! Welcome to the next chapter! This story is rather fun to write! I do hope its just as fun to read!

Also, just as an FYI, when it comes to my stories, I'm going to try to post any updates on the weekends. It may not be every weekend, though. 

I will attempt to update stories at least once a month. Hopefully I'm able to keep that schedule up.

I got stuck halfway through this chapter...and trying write the entire event Matsuda had planned for You just ended up being to much for me. Then it turned into a tangent with you and Ide having some BFF time. OMG, Ide/YN BFFs is the best, you will seeeeee! Ide may very well be OOC, sorry/not sorry. I'm tiredish, gots a cold/sinus infection. BLUH!

Content Warning: Anxiety attack scenario for [Y/N].


Chapter Begin


It was the last day of the work week, and the second day of [Y/N]'s mentorship under Matsuda Touta.

She woke to the blaring of her alarm, always to early for her tastes; yet closer to her normal waking time than yesterday had been. With a grumble [Y/N] lurched into a sitting position, reaching over to slam a hand on the alarms silencing button. She would have loved to go back to bed, but work awaited.

As the rookie shifted to swing her legs over the side of her bed; the still snoozing [P/N] lifted it's head and puffs indignantly at her. Tired [E/C] eyes blinked back at the creature as she grumble a half awake,  "Sorry, sorry...gotta get ready for work, you keep sleeping, ne?"

Standing with a stretch the young woman moved across the floors of her apartment to her bathroom, snatching up her robe on the way. She set the water to a perfect temperature and turned on the shower; discarding her clothing and stepping into the spray. A delighted hum slipped past her lips as the hot water slid down her form, washing away the stiff muscles that had locked up over night.

She really needed to look at getting better heat into this place, the chilly nights left her far to sore in the morning. It didn't help that her [P/T] liked to hog the bed. How one animal could take up so much room...

The water was slowly waking her up, though she knew it was a temporary solution. She was absolutely not a morning person. Still, during the moments that the shower allowed her to focus, she multitasked; both cleaning herself and sorting through her plans with Matsuda in her mind.

Yesterday had been interesting, for certain. She'd learned that her mentor wasn't as intimidating as she had feared, and that he didn't seem to hate her after all. She'd seen that he was damaged, something dark was in him; left from a past he most likely could not talk about.

Ide-san had implied as much. [Y/N] now found herself feeling empathy for Matsuda, and the entirety of her team. If Ide said Matsuda had it the worst, though, she believed him.

She also now knew that her sempai was a self-conscience man. He lacked confidence, and that gave her all the more motivation to work hard. She would prove to him that he was a great mentor!

They had ended up sorting through some old files, Matsuda letting her assess the case notes to see if she could come to the same conclusion the officers who had solved the cases had. He gently guided her, and asked how she would handle questioning certain witnesses and suspects.

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