Welcome Home; I'm Home

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Authors Note

Man, I am getting into this again! Heheh. Logging in after a long time and see likes, views and votes piled up gets my blood pumping! This has taking over my most viewed story slot! I love you all! I have been having a rotten week too. Thank you!

Welcome Home; I'm Home

"Seriously, Matsuda-sempai, you look fine," [Y/N] sighed for the fiftieth time since he had stepped out of the bedroom that morning.

"No I don't!" Matsuda grimaced, "I may not want people to think I'm old, but I don't want them to think I'm trying to be a twenty-something Idol either!"

"Well, at least you don't look like your selling yourself!" She gestured to her own outfit with a huff.

"Y-you don't look like that..." He cast his gaze up to the right, away from the hint of cleavage that kept drawing his focus. If he was more used to seeing her dressed in such a casual manner, this wouldn't be an issue.

All she could do was emit a small whine as an 'I told you so', knowing anything else would become jumbled.

"You don't," He tried again, "You're not showing...alot....just...umm..."

She began to draw into herself uncomfortably. 

Matsuda cursed himself at not knowing how to properly express himself without making her uncomfortable.

"It's not risque," Ide came to the rescue, "I know it's more than you're comfortable showing. You don't look like anyone should expect to see you in the redlight district though."

"Exactly!" Matsuda breathed, "You look nice, actually."

"Oh..." She turned her head to the side and murmurred, "Pervert-sempai."

"Huh?!" Matsuda went red at the barely audible words.

[Y/N] fought not to smirk. As much as she hated how easily flustered she got; being able to speak those two words with enough confidence to not stutter (managing to get this reaction from Matsuda) was actually kind of fun.

"You really should be getting used to your code names," Nears voice interupted them from across the room where he was fiddling with an array of chessboards. Several and finger puppets on them, including one with puppets creepily similar to Aizawa, Mogi, Ide, Matsuda, [Y/N] and Near. Close to that board was the dollhouse from the day before.

"Afterall, you'll begin you mission soon." With that, Near placed Matsuda and [Y/N]'s puppets just outside the little dollhouse, "Right, "Koharu-chan and  Masahiko-san?"

"About that...Does my name sound weird to anyone else?" Matsuda wrinkled his nose.

"It suits your new look..." 'Koharu" scanned him with her hazel eyes, taking in the vertical stripes on his button up shirt, the top the pearlescent buttons left undone. He had a black chord with a subtle metalic bauble of some kind hanging from it. His slacks were pressed, the same color as his shirt stripes...giving the appearance of a guy who came from money but didn't really have to work for it.

Altogether they looked like a younger woman trying to look older (heck, she could probably pass as five years younger than she actually was at this rate), and a guy trying to relive his college days. A match made in heaven, she supposed.

"Ugh," Matsuda shuddered.

"Oh come on." [Y/N] rolled her eyes at him.

"You're being awfully smug all of a sudden," Matsuda lofted a brow.

Like Who I Used To Be [Matsuda x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now