Making Over, Making Up

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Authors Note

After finishing the last chapter my muse said "Keep going!" so, I'm gonna try! My boyfriend is home though, and he tends to make it hard to focus, lol. So we'll see if I can get another one done today!

Making Over, Making Up

"Are you sure this is the right area?" He asked the gothic N on the screen of the monitor the team was looking at; while another screen displayed images of the apartment the pair would be staying in.

Much like with Kira's case they were in a neutral building. The entire hotel had been bought out under a faux company's name. It was a very well laid false paper trail to hide from a very well established criminal enterprise. Near had yet to arrive in person. There were many more security measures he was putting in check. His very closely vetted team was in the middle of transforming the building as they spoke.

<<Quite sure. The average socioeconomic range of the victims around the world puts them in this type of neighborhood.>>

"Around the world...okay. But in Japan?" Matsuda cringed back as he spotted the photo of the kitchen cupboards, half expecting a swarm of cockroaches would be hiding in them.

<<Japan as well. There are plenty of cases you never knew about...those who abducted the mother and child were likely newcomers to the organization. I imagine they were dealt with for leaving so many open ends.>>

"Oh, really?" Matsuda didn't like the idea so many cases had never even come to the NPA's attention. What good were they doing then? How were they helping anybody? Some heroes...

He thought of his mentee. She had joined their group thinking they were heroes. Then here they were, practically ignorant of a massive criminal enterprise ruining lives around the globe.

Some heroes.

[Y/N] had been silent since their arrival. Actually, she had barely said anything since they had left her place. It was one of those completely awkward silences he had no idea how to break, too.

"NO!" [Y/N]'s voice errupted from the room where she was supposed to be getting changed for the role she was going under cover in, "Can't...won't...air tis unoay!"

Quick as a flash Aizawa and Ide were up and moving towards the door to see just what was wrong. But as they tried to enter they were met with every fraction of the young woman's weight pushing back.

"NOOO! YOU CAN'T!" She was so alarmed by the idea they might see just what had her so embarrassed that she forgot to stutter! That was new.

When the pair had stopped trying to enter to look at each other in confusion, [Y/N] poked her head out of the door to glare at the N that shone on the monitor, mortified tears shimmered in the corner of her eyes, "Th'Lothes"

<<Actually, those are quite modest compared to what some of the women taken were seen wearing before their disappearance...your outfits will cover your chest to upper abdomen, most of your upper back; as well as your your upper thighs and lower back...>>

All she could do was blush; her eyes clamped shut as she tried block out the mental image of herself. She shook her head adamantly, horrified at the thought of her Sempai seeing her so exposed.

Near's voice sighed through the phone.

<<No one will think less of you for wearing these things. It's not you, it's your character. Like an actress, but with an important end to achieve.>>

Like Who I Used To Be [Matsuda x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now