Unexpected Encounter, Unexpected Fun

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Sorry this chapter has taken so long! I was stuck for a long time...then the whole 2020 catastrophe hit...and I wasn't writing much at all...

But after learning how much people actually want this story, I popped in to look at why I was stuck and found suddenly I could get it started! AND introduce a character.

So, insert notation reminder: [B/F/N] is best friends name.

P.s. I'm going to try making best friend gender neutral for now, but I'm not very practiced in it. So I may use a pronoun substitute? Would "[pro]" or [gen] complicate things too much?  Because I'm worried using "they" as a singular in a written story might be confusing in this case...


Story Continues


[Y/N] breathed in crisp morning air deeply, letting it fill her lungs energize her.

This was it. Saturday. The weekend! Time to spend unwinding, quietly minding her own business. Well, not completely.

She grinned as a small cafe/bakery came into view, the sign board out front proudly advertising it's specials. She was going to start her day in the best of company.

Pushing through the door the chime of a bell echoed in [y/n]'s ear.  It was still early, and yet the line was already getting long as people waited for their coffee.

A deep, slow breath to steady herself gave [y/n] time to remind herself she didn't need to talk to anyone until she got to the counter.

At the head of the line, a familiar figure faced the customers, [B/F/N], the friend who had been with her since high school. No one outside her own family made [y/n] feel more comfortable in her own skin.

The line moved quickly enough, [y/n] spending the wait remembering the past week's mentorship with Matsuda, and her new friend Ide who was there at work to support her. Really, the job was going much better than she had thought it would given the first impression she had made.

"Earth to [N/N]," The voice snapped her to attention as she turned to realize that she was now the one in front of the counter, her best friend grinning at her broadly, "Welcome back. So. Did work go well yesterday? Making Progress??"

[B/F/N] didn't wait for an order to be placed, automatically setting to work putting together [Y/N] favorite caffeinated morning treat.

"I think so," The rookie officer replied, sighing, "I mean, Ide-san is easy to talk to, which helps. And Matsuda-Sempai has been doing his best as my mentor."

"You aren't replacing me with hot cops are you?!" [B/F/N] gasped, pretending to be indignant.

"No, no," [Y/N] laughed, "Never! Besties forever. Besides, I stand much better chance with a 2d character than any real guy."

They laughed together, and as she was handed her steamy drink, [Y/ N] moved to take a seat at a two seater table near the counter so she could continue chatting whenever her friend had a spare moment.

Pulling the latest volume of her favorite manga from he shoulder bag, [y/n] read as the early rush continued. The small bell on the door tickled her ear in the background as she took her time to go over each page.

She read each page once: to get the gist and enjoy the flow of the story.  Skim the art, immerse in the dialogue and narrative.

Twice: to admire each panel on the page as a separate work of art. The character design, the details of expressions, clothing, and backgrounds.

Like Who I Used To Be [Matsuda x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now