Chapter 6.

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( That's Josh ^ )

After dinner I wanted to go after my boss to see if he's alright but Josh and Sienna both said it won't be a good idea so I didn't. I helped Sienna clean up and Josh helped too. When it was done I said goodbyes to them and left the mansion. Josh was staying there a little longer for god knows what reason and I didn't even see my boss before I went out of the door. I shrugged and just went to my apartment. Tomorrow I had a day off so I could sleep in and have some relaxing time. I sighed, I couldn't wait. I was barely even home but I liked the job and it got paid very well too.

The next morning when I woke up it was almost lunchtime. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I decided to go out and go to a local cafe. It's were I usually went when I got some free time. It was a cozy cafe and the staff was very friendly.

My favorite place to sit at was at the window. I liked to watch outside and see what all the people were doing. Some were in an hurry, some were happy and chatting away. It gave me a sort of peace watching them while I sat there comfortable and warm drinking my hot coffee. 

"Now now look who we have here." Said a voice all of a sudden near my table. 

I looked up and away from the window. Black hair, pale blue eyes, leather jacket, jeans, black boots and a toothy grin on his face.


"Oh hey Josh." I replied with a small smile. 

"Look let's do this again." He said as he went to sit in front of me. 

He reaches his hand to me, "Hi you young lady, my name is Josh. Nice to meet you."

I frowned. What was he doing? But I decided to just get along with it.

"Cassie. Nice to meet you too Josh." I replied, taking his hand. 

"Cassie? As in the maid that works at my brothers mansion?" Josh asked as he played along. His eyes looking a bit shocked but I can say it was just for play.

"Yes. That's me." I replied.


Did he just say brother?!

Before I could ask more he spoke interrupting my thoughts.

"But you are free now? Like you're not there listening to my brother telling you what to do and what not. I think he secretly likes to dominate. Don't you think?" Josh asked, one corner of his mouth turned upwards.

I was speechless and shocked at this words. My mouth hanging open a little.

Josh sat back at his chair, staring at me with daring eyes. 

"Uh what?" I said. Not knowing how to reply. Is he serious or is he just saying that for fun? I was not really sure; I mean I know the guy for just one day. Josh sat leaning forward on the table again, looking at me. Still with his usual grin on his face. 

I was getting uncomfortable under his gaze. I reached for my drink on the table and took a sip.   "I think he likes the kinky stuff you know? I mean he likes to boss me around too."

I almost spit out my coffee when he said that. 

Josh grinned at me clearly amused by my reaction "Don't worry. Not in that kind of way you pervert." He gave me a playful glare.

"What i'm not a-"

"Pervert? Come on everyone is."Josh replied as he did a sign for the waitress to come to us. 

The waitress noticed and walked towards us with a small notebook and a pen, "What can I get you?" she said ready to write the order down.

"Are you a pervert?" 

I was emptying my coffee but spit it back out when Josh asked that question. He's really not shy at all... The waitress had the same impression like me; shocked and like she didn't expected that question from someone. 

"Excuse me?" She asked Josh.

Josh smiled at her, "Never mind it's not that important because I don't know you so I'll have a whiskey. Do you want anything Cass?"

"I'll have the same. Thank you." I replied at the waitress who was still in a daze by his boldness. She nodded and wrote it down, "Coming right up!" then she took off.

Josh leaned on his elbows on the table closer towards me,

 "So Cass, tell me your darkest secrets."

- To be continued!

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