Chapter 9.

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"You can't believe how I was this close to punch him in the face, Cass." Josh explained to me as he did his gesture with his fingers, looking angry.

We sat at a table in a bar where we usually meet up. It was noon and time for our lunch break. He sat in front of me, clearly pissed off by something.  Suddenly he hit the table with his fist, causing people nearby to watch us wondering of what was going on.

"Josh? You okay?" I asked him carefully. Not wanting him to get mad at me too.

"Of course fucking not." He growled and looked back at the people who were watching him. Josh turned towards them and frowned, "Do you all think i'm that hot so you guys can keep looking or what?" He snarled and turned back to face me.

I was surprised that he blurred that out. I was not expecting such a remark from him; he was mad yes but I expected something more rude from him, because he was not afraid to speak  his mind out at people. Without thinking I put my hand on his still clenched fist on the table hoping to calm him down a little, "Calm down and tell me what happened." I told him sincere. 

Josh stared at my hand on his and I could see his angry features change. He frowned at the gesture and stared back at me with his pale blue eyes, searching mine. Looks like he debated with himself to tell me or not.

Josh leaned forward on the table and looked at me seriously, "Cass?" 

"Yeah?" I replied, looking back at him.

"Your boss is an ass." Josh answered back, making sure the last word was heard clearly from his lips.

I gave him an awkward chuckle, "W-what?"

Josh leaned back in his chair, "I mean it's not entirely his fault but still-" he leaned back forward with his arms on the table, - an ass." I raised an eyebrow. Not completely sure where he was getting at with the insult.

"My mother and stepdad wants me to join their business, alongside with Alex." Josh started to explain.

I frowned, "But that's great right?" I asked, not sure why he's so upset about it.

"Cass." Josh said my name again in a more serious tone. It almost scared me. Almost. Josh leaned in, closer to my face as I was too leaning on the table with my arms. "Josh?"

"Do you always listen to people that tell you what to do?" Josh asked me. 


"Besides your job." Josh added, "Or do you like to be dominated like a little slave?" He smirked, with a glint in his blue eyes. My mouth went open, I was shocked of what he said. It came so sudden and completely out of the blue. I thought we were having a serious conversation but he clearly couldn't help himself with his sexual jokes.

I was speechless and my face went bright red.

"I don't want to work alongside my brother. I don't want to be a part of their stupid family business. I don't want to be a selfish rich jerk. I don't want to listen to my mom. I want to be independent, earn my own money. They can't force me to do anything." explained Josh with angry eyes and hard tone in his voice. He was upset again.

"To make it all better, I really don't blame my mom or my stepdad. But my brother. He just sat there and said nothing, like everything was normal. He knows that I don't want this, though he said nothing to my mother. Me and him are nothing alike. He was made to be a man in a suit that is too tight to bend over in, but the women would gladly do it for him. And me; I would always be the outcast of the family. I don't care about their lifestyle. I rather be myself in a leather jacket than wear a fucked up suit everyday." He continued. 

Josh looked at the table, "Why the fuck didn't I order something yet?" he wondered, he looked around and raised his hand and waved at a waiter to get his attention , "I WANT A BEER! THANK YOU!" The waiter saw him and quickly went to grab Josh's beer.

I stared at him. "Josh, I think you did good for following your own decision about it. They shouldn't force you to do anything." I advised him. Really thinking he did the right thing. His mother shouldn't push him to be like Alexander. Josh should know what's best for himself.

Then the waiter went towards our table and put the beer in front of Josh. "Here you go sir. Next time don't yell like that. There are other costumers here." Said the waiter to Josh.

Josh glared at him, "Well, screw you and thanks." he took a sip from his beer and gave the waiter a sly smirk. The waiter nodded his head in annoyance and walked away.

All of a sudden my phone went off that was placed on the table at the side. I looked at the bright screen. 

I was my boss who called!

Josh noticed it too. "Let it ring you are with me now."

I looked at Josh and at my phone. I didn't know if I should pick up or not. But it's my boss. He must've wondered were I was because my lunch break was already far from over...

"Cass. Don't." Josh said firmly.

I bit my lower lip and quickly picked up my phone, I pressed accept. I heard Josh sigh and he took another big sip from his beer.  

"Cassie? Where are you? Your lunch break is over. Did you lost track of time?" I heard my boss saying on the other line. 

"Uh.. Yes i'm sorry. I'll be right there!" I replied and stood up from my chair.

"You better!"  He replied with a sight of anger in his voice and hung up. 

I picked up my jacket from the chair and put it on and took my purse, "I'm sorry Josh, I have to go back to work. We talk again soon okay?" I asked, hopefully he would say yes.

Josh's eyes held a firm stare towards mine. "You leaving?"

I nodded in response, "Yeah my lunch break is over. I have to get back."

He took his beer and gulped all of it down. He set his beer with a loud thud back on the table, "So you are just doing what you are told when he said so?" He growled. Again he was getting upset and I didn't really understand where that was coming from.

"Yes Josh, he's my boss. I have to get going. See you later." I gave him a small smile and started to walk away, turning my back on him. 

I heard his chair shuffle on the floor. 

I felt a strong hand grab my arm. I turned around, seeing Josh frowned face staring straight at me. His blue eyes were a darker shade. Betrayal, lost and anger were emotions that I could decipher in his eyes.  

"You're just going to leave after I told you my problems, you said you understand me and then got a call from my dear brother and you just going to bail on me?" he lets out an evil chuckle, "What a nice friend you are."

I'm shocked and a little hurt, "Seriously Josh? You're taking it out on me? I'm just late for work nothing more. We will talk later okay?" I replied.

He smirked and let go of my arm, "Fine. Go to your boss and be his slave. Told you you'll have the kink for it."

I gasped, "JOSH!"


Finally I finished it! 

This chapter you got an insight of what Josh is like, well a little...

Hope you liked it!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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