Chapter 1.

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I was dusting off the shelves in the living room. Feeling a bit nervous as I feel his eyes on me. I turned a little to the side and took a quick glance at him. His bright blue eyes staring right back at me, his expression didn't change as if he was on his phone. He sat back in his office with the doors wide open, while I was cleaning his spacious living room next to it. 

I took my eyes away from him quickly, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. 

'Why does he have to be so hot?'

Only to feel my cheeks turn even redder at the thought. 

'Damn him!'

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw his 'caretaker'? I'm not sure what she is. She was here before me. She showed me around the mansion when I first got here and explained everything I've got to do. She also told me that she cooked his food, did the groceries and just took care of the mansion too. I think she was sort of his second mom. I was there to help her,  because it is a lot of work. Her name is Sienna and she was in her late 40's. 

She hold up a cup of coffee in her hands, "Hey Cassie, can you please take this to him?''

I nodded, "Uh, yeah sure." I replied with a small smile and took the coffee from her. 

Sienna smiled back, "Thanks!, and walked away.

'Okay then.. that was weird...'

I took a deep breath. 'I can do this' and turned around, facing him at distance. 

Me and him haven't talked a lot since I worked here, which was a couple of weeks. He worked from home some days but the rest of the days I was just here alone with Sienna when he was back at his company. Sienna told me he was a really nice guy when you get to know him, she knows him half of her life so she knows him well enough. I on the other hand, didn't really know what to think of him. It wasn't like he was sending glares at me or didn't appreciate my work - no- we only had small talk now and then, and a staring contest- Well mostly him and I ended up usually looking away shyly. I mean, you couldn't deny that he was a good looking man...

Before I could step towards him, I stared at him. Him not looking towards me this time, which I was glad for. I took another breath, calming my nerves. I'm usually not shy at all but HE makes me shy. I cursed him of what he made me feel.

Then I took the courage to walk towards his office and knocked on his open door slightly. His blue eyes shot up towards my small frame. 

"I brought you coffee, if that's alright." I said to him.

He gestures me to bring it over, so I walked towards his desk he sat at, and carefully placed the cup on his desk. I could feel his eyes watching me every move I made, letting me feel nervous again.

When my hands left the cup, he suddenly grabbed my arm firmly. 

''You should bring me coffee more often and exactly at this hour if i'm working here.'' He says with a slightly British accent. His eyes piercing right through me with his blue lasers. 

I gulped, ''And what if I don't or forget?'' I asked him before I could stop myself. I had to ask because he was giving me a really wierd look. I could feel I was getting myself on dangerous territory. 

He sat up straight in his chair and leaned a bit forward, still holding my arm in a tight grip.

He smirked slightly,

"Then maybe I have to punish you..''


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To be Continued...

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