Chapter 4.

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I shivered under his gaze.

'Now I am in trouble and it's my own stupid fault. God have mercy...'

I thought to myself, hoping it won't be that bad.

His hard stare still fixated on me, "Go make me some coffee." He said, his voice low.


"Go! Before I change my mind." His stare turned into a glare.

I gulped and walked fast past him towards the door.

I put my hand on the doorknob and without thinking turned around looking at him but my eyes met his muscled back. He had his one hand in his hair and I could see him breathing rapidly. 

I don't know how long I stood there but all of a sudden he turned around and saw me standing there staring at him.

Somehow I couldn't move or look away. It was like I was paralyzed. 

"Is everything alright in here?" I heard a voice say. I looked where the voice was coming from and when the door slightly opened it revealing Sienna.

"Oh hey and yes everything's alright." I slightly smiled towards her, feeling very awkward.

Sienna smiled back, "I'm glad." then she turned her gaze towards him; "Sorry sir but your stepbrother is her to see you. He's waiting for you in the living room."

I  heard him sigh behind me, clearly annoyed. 

"What does he want?" he asked Sienna. 

I heard footsteps and felt a presence right behind me. 

"You can tell him to piss off." 

I was kind of shocked by his choice of words. I've never hear him talk like that before, so it was quite new to me of how he reacted. Seeing Sienna, she was used to it.

"Come on, he's your brother. Just hear him out." Sienna told him.

He hold his one hand up stopping her from saying anything more. "STEPH-brother, Sienna. And I'm not interested to hear what other trouble he has caused now." I heard him sigh.

Then all of a sudden I felt his hand on my lower back but not in sight of Sienna. I shocked a bit from his warm hand and I tried to act normal in front of her but deep down I was kind of freaking out. He never touched me before. This was new thing of his... but he didn't move his hand down my ass or up my back. Which I was glad for.

"Just please, do it for me?" Sienna pleaded at him.

He sighed again, "Fine. I'll go." I felt his hand finally moving off my back. 

He walked past me at the door but glanced at me before leaving, "We continue this later." He said then walked away.

I felt my cheeks warm up and my thoughts were all over the place. Did he really mean it? Why can't he just let it go? Why is he acting that way? Why am I feeling this way? 

With all these thoughts I forgot about Sienna. She was still standing there.

"You sure everything is alright dear?" She asked me, eyebrows raised like she didn't believe me before I told her.

I nodded and smiled at her, "Yeah I'm okay." I assured her. 

She smiled back at me, "Good. Now will you help me in the kitchen?"

Then I just remembered I didn't make up the bed yet... 

"Sorry but I still have to finish the bed before tonight..." I explained to Sienna.

"Don't be silly. You got still a lot of time left. You'll do it later and it won't take too long, I promise!" She smiled.

She was so kind. I was so glad I met her at this place.

I smiled back at her. "Okay fine. Lead the way." I said back to her.

Sienna took my hand and lead me towards the stairs down the hall. I heard some muffled voices downstairs. It must be him and his stepbrother talking.

I followed Sienna down the huge stairs that led in the huge hall where the front door was. Then she took a left and I followed her.

Apparently this was the living room because I saw him and his stepbrother sitting on the couch apposite from each other. I could tell they weren't really having an nice conversation among themselves. When they heard us, they stopped talking and watched us.

Or was it only me? 

I felt 2 pair of eyes staring at me while I was walking past them.

So I couldn't help but look back at them. 

But I shouldn't done that because I almost tripped on the carpet. 

I couldn't believe what I was staring at. 

His and his glorious self with his strong jawline and his hot stare and there was his stepbrother; a little younger but still handsome as ever. He looked really 'boyish' and seemed like sort of a troublemaker as he sat with his shoes on the table between them. 

He wore a black shirt with a black leather jacket over it, with combat boots and jeans.  His hair was black and with the same bright blue eyes staring holes in me.

They actually didn't look quite the same but in the way they were...

But Sienna didn't even pay attention to them and just walked further towards the kitchen. Trying not to loose her, I gave them a kind smile when looking back at them and followed Sienna towards the kitchen.

I heard that one guy saying:

"Who the hell is she?" 


To be continued!

I wanted to make this part a little longer!

Next part would be an introduction of his stepbrother!

Are you exited? I sure am!

Thank you!

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