Chapter 8

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Josh stood behind me leaning against the door. 

He gave me a small smile and gave a little sideways nod, "In the flesh."

"And what exactly are you doing here? Besides drooling on my stepbrother." He added.

I was glued to the spot. I felt like I was caught for stealing or something. But somehow this felt much worse as I felt embarrassed and awkward in front of Josh.

"I- uh..." I manage to speak out, but failed miserably.

"Gotcha. I- " Josh said, but got cut off by someone opening the door. Which caused Josh to loose his balance and almost fall to the floor. It was his own fault for leaning against the door...

"What the fuck!" Josh cursed as he looked up at the person who did it. 

The person looked firmly at him, "Watch your tone." he spoke as he walked into the office, passing Josh and turned back around to face him, "And besides, it's your own fault. What person even leans against the door like that. It's like wanting that to happen as you're not a very bright person Josh." He smirked. He turned back, walking beside me - completely ignoring me - and sat at his desk like nothing had happened.

This couldn't be any more awkward...

I looked at Josh. I saw that he was furious. His hands turned into fists and I could imagine steam coming out of his ears. Josh pointed a finger at my boss. "You-" But once again he got cut off by someone entering the office. It was an older woman with dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I seem to think the blue eyes are a typical thing nowadays... She looked like a model only older with a little bit of wrinkles on her face.

"What is going on here?" She asks and looked between Josh and my boss.

Josh rolled his eyes at her, "Hello to you too mother." and put up a smile that seemed to be fake and folded his arm together into a defensive style.

She turned to Josh and smiled back. Her smile seemed to be genuine unlike Josh's.

"My dearest son. I see you have made it." Then she turned her attention to my boss. "Hey Alexander. I'm sorry that I'm late but now we can start the meeting." She nodded at my boss, confirming she was ready.

"No problem Grace, take a seat." Said my boss as he gestures to the chair at his desk where he sit at. She nodded and went to do as he says. 

I was completely ignored once again and I felt really awkward. I didn't know what to do...

I was looking at the scene in front of me when I felt something on my shoulder. It was Josh. He wrapped one arm around my shoulder from behind and I could feel his breath beside my ear. I shivered,  "I think that's your cue to leave Cass. But we can meet up for lunch and I can tell you how really bored out of my mind I was." He whispered with a smirk. I was kind of shocked by his sudden action in front of everyone, "Uh.. yea sure Josh." I replied shakily. 

Then the woman's eyes landed finally on me. She held her hand on her chest, like she was shocked as well and turned to me and Josh. "Oh gosh. I didn't see the girl there. Is she alright? She looks pale. Who is she?" The woman asks, clearly wondering who I was. 

My boss leaned back on his chair and massages his temples with his fingers. "She's the girl that helps Sienna around here." he responded with a sigh, frustration written on his face. Then his intense blue eyes finally landed on my small frame in the room. 

"You can go, Cassie." He commended.

I felt myself go red from his intense stare. That bought back a certain memory in - where he have looked the same way at me; My dream from last night. He looked at me the same way when he asked me if I was sure to continue with our intimidate session...  I felt myself going even hotter and I knew I had to leave, and fast. 

"Wait, Josh is she your girlfriend?" The woman asked with her perfect trimmed eyebrows raised up. Stopping me from leaving. I forgot that I was still locked into Josh's arms. He didn't bother to let me go. 

His grip on me tighten when his mom asked the question, "Maybe." Josh replied with his signature playful smirk while he directed his eyes at his mom. 

"Maybe?" She asked in return. Not getting what Josh was saying. 

"She isn't his girlfriend." My boss intervened in the conversation. I see him clenching his jaw like he was still annoyed what was going on.

Josh's attention went to my boss, his eyes held a glint of playfulness in them. "Really? Would you be jealous if she was?" Josh challenged as he held me tighter, if that was possible. It was like he was hugging me from behind. 

The woman's eyes darted between the 2 men in the room, clearly not understanding what was going on in front of her but she decided to keep quiet.

My boss sighed heavily and went to sit straighter up in his chair glaring at Josh, "Let her go so we can start the meeting." He told Josh firmly. 

"And what if I don't?" Josh challenged back.

I couldn't watch this scene in front of my eyes so I tried to struggle free from Josh's grip on me. I felt like a coward doing or for saying nothing at all. And it was clear my boss wanted me gone so he could start the meeting. Josh was doing a great job at pushing his buttons that escalated him being more frustrated and angry. And when my boss was angry, I remember he was a scary man and I didn't want that... I put Josh's arm away from my shoulder, him taking the hint to finally letting me go. 

"I-I'll leave now." I said and gave my boss a quick smile and went to leave towards the door.

"Remember we have lunch!" Yelled Josh behind me. Making sure I'll remember our meet up. 

Before closing the door again, I looked quickly at Josh and nodded. 

Josh replied with a wave and his usual smirk.

Then I closed the door with a sigh.

'That was intense.'


To be continued!

Hope you liked this part! 

I appreciate feedback or ideas for this story! 


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