Chapter 5

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"Can you set the table please, Cassie?" Sienna asked me while she stirred into a pot at the stove. 

"Oh, yeah sure." I replied with a nod. I went over to the cabinet and took two plates out for her and my boss. I went over to the table and set the two plates on the table. I took 2 knifes and 2 forks out of the drawer and put it beside the plates. 

I looked over the table, "Done!" 

Sienna turned around and looked over the table. She nodded a no, "Cassie dear, why aren't you staying for dinner tonight?"

"Oh no. I can't do that." I hesitated, taken aback from her sudden question. She never asked me this before. Why now? I was about to reply when I heard heavy footsteps coming into the kitchen. I looked over and there was my boss, clearly a little annoyed; and the stranger - He had a wicked smile on his face. 

"Ah just in time! Cassie is staying for dinner. Are you staying too Josh?" Sienna asked the stranger too. 

But wait did she just said I was staying anyways?

The stranger looked at me, "Ah yes! The more the merrier right?" Then he glanced at my boss. He still had his annoyed look all over his face. His eyebrows twitching. 

My boss didn't even reply as the stranger sat himself at the table. "It smells delicious Sienna!" He complimented at Sienna as he had a goofy grin on his face. At that point I thought he looked adorable and I couldn't help but giggle at him. He looked like a little kid waiting for his mom to put the food on the table.  

"You two sit too. There's enough!" Said Sienna as she saw me and my boss still standing there. 

I glanced at him standing there in the doorway. His expression hasn't changed at all. My boss had his eyes on the stranger that named Josh apparently. His eyes went quickly towards mine. I saw his face soften and broke the contact as he went to sit at the table, next to Josh at the head of the table. I followed and went to sit on the opposite side from the stranger and next to my boss. 

Sienna put everything on the table while the stranger started talking; "So you are Cassie right? Nice name by the way! Like Sienna already said and she was right - I'm Josh!" Josh introduced himself as he held out his hand to shake. His grin appeared on his face again. 

I already felt at ease around him even though I've never seen him before or know him. Which is a good start. I smiled in return and took his hand to shake, "Nice to meet you!" His hand had a firm grip on mine. Josh didn't let me go immediately after the shake, his gaze didn't leave mine. Now I could see his eyes more clearly. His eyes were like the oceans, pale blue. He had even brighter eyes than my boss had.

"Same!" Replied Josh and gave me a smile before he let go of my hand. 

"Okay guys. Let's eat!" Said Sienna as she also went to sit beside me at the table.

The spaghetti smelled so nice and I forgot how hungry I was. I dug in and my first bite was already heaven. Sienna was a great cook. I never tasted such good spaghetti before.

"Hey Alex. Why you so quiet? You shy? That's nothing like you." Said Josh towards my boss with a side smirk.


I saw his jaw tighten in frustration by his remark. 

Josh leaned back on his chair looking at my boss with a grin, "You're so uptight. When was it the last time you got laid uh?" Josh asked him. 

My boss didn't even look at Josh but when he said that to him, his eyes shot towards Josh. I looked at them and there was this sort of tension between them right there. I swallowed. I didn't liked this and I felt really uncomfortable.

My boss glared at Josh, his eyes turning a dark blue - If looks would kill he would be dead already. "Listen Josh, you finish your dinner and leave my house. Don't call me again if you ever need a favor from me." My boss told Josh firmly, still sending daggers at him with his eyes. 

I shivered. I felt a little scared and remember to not piss him off.

He gave Josh one last look and got up from his chair and walked out of the kitchen.

Josh sighed, "Hey I was just asking!" 

"Josh, you know what you did. You bought it on yourself dear." Said Sienna.

"Isn't it about time he got over it?"  Josh asked Sienna when he picked up his fork and began eating again.

I got curious. What were they talking about?

Sienna sighed, "He's coping but I don't think he's over it yet. You got to give him time and don't trigger him like that."

"He's over what?" I couldn't help but ask them. I was getting let out of it and I'm curious of what they're talking about. Why was my boss so upset?

Sienna put her hand on my arm, "Oh dear, don't worry about it. It's for him to talk to you about it or not. It's not to us." She gave me a sympathetic smile. 

I nodded in response and couldn't help but wonder what it was...


Hope you liked it!


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