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This is it.

I found a new job. Finally.

As a housekeeper.

But first let me introduce myself.

I'm Cassie. 25 years old, single, only child, live alone, and desperately looking for a job; which I found now.

I looked over the e-mail that I had received this morning.

I was hired for housekeeping someone's house. It paid very well so I didn't even hesistate to accept it and I already could start tomorrow. Which I was glad because I needed to pay the bills.

Neither did I know what I got myself into. 

It was just housekeeping right? Clean stuff and keep the place neat. Couldn't be that difficult to do so and to be paid really well too. 

But when I saw the 'place', or should I say the really big mansion, ... I already thought it wasn't going to be easy to keep the place clean.

And neither did I know the guy who owned the place was really nonchalant and laid back. Really exceptional for a guy that's so rich. 

He didn't really made my work easy either.

I'll tell you why in this story.

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