Chapter 17: The Goodbye

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I'm pacing back and forth, waiting outside Matt's hospital room. Amy, Elizabeth, and Asher came with me. Jackson said he would watch Mallory at the house. I told them everything that happened as soon as Matt was rushed to the operating room.

"He will be fine." Asher says, sitting down on a bench outside the room. He is sitting next to his mother and sister.

I keep walking back and forth in front of them. "What if he's not?" I can't lose another person that I love, I just can't. He if dies, it will be all my fault, none of this would have happened. I wish I never knocked on that door.

Suddenly the door opens and out steps a doctor with a clipboard.

I stop walking and everyone stands up. "How is he?"

"He's stable but we gave him anesthesia, so he will be out for a while. You can visit him one at a time."

Amy puts her hand on my shoulder. "You go first."

I nod. "Okay."

I walk inside and see him, my heart drops at the sight before me. My handsome cowboy has tubes coming out of him and is hooked up to an IV drip. I can hear his steady heartbeat on the monitor. I pull up a chair and sit next to him as I take one of his hands in mine.

"I know you probably can't hear me.... but I'm so sorry. This is all my fault; I should have never walked into your life, then you wouldn't have gotten shot. I'm so sorry for bringing my past and drama into your family's lives." I keep repeating the phrase 'I'm sorry' as tears start to fall.

"Mm." I hear something and look up to see Matt blinking his eyes.

"You're awake." I say with a smile.

He frowns. "Why are you crying?"

I wipe the tears away. "It's nothing."

He raises one of his hands and wipes a tear that falls on my cheek. "Tessa, listen to me. What happened is not your fault. Okay?"

I kiss his hand and nod. "Okay."

He smiles. "So, are you going to kiss me now?"

I lean over him and try to give him a peck on the lips, but he wraps an arm around me. He kisses me with love and passion. I pull away and smile. "I love you."

"I love you." He says as I sit back down.

"Your family is waiting outside."

"Our family, babe. Our family."

"I'll go get them."

"Where's Mallory?"

"At our home."

He smiles again. "Our home, I like that."

I leave the room and I'm about to get our family when I run into Officer Brown. "Hello Officer."

She looks worried and sad. "Um, hello. Can I speak with you for a moment?"


"Actually, we should go back in the room. Matt will want to hear this too."

"Oh, okay."

We walk back inside, and I sit down. "Hello, Officer Brown." Matt says with a yawn.

She gives him a small wave. "Hi."

"What can I help you with?" Matt asks.

"Actually, you need my help."

I'm confused. "What does that mean?"

She clears her throat. "This is difficult to say, but as we were examining Hunter's body-"

"Is he alive?"

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