Chapter 18: Separate Hearts

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My name is Matt Green, the love of my life went into hiding two years ago. I became a cop after helping a few out and let's just say one of the best days of my life was taking down Mrs. Harrison. She won't be hurting anyone for a long time, I didn't kill her or shoot her. I helped arrest her and one of her cell mates killed her. 

I left the farm after that happened; I promised my mom that I would leave once everyone was safe. One of the cops working on the Harrison case came with me to the city, Katie Jones. She's a little stubborn and thinks everyone is a criminal or was one. She's been helping me look for Tessa for almost two years now.

I'm in my office when my partner, Katie, gets my attention. "Matt! Take a look at this!"


"I think I found her!" I run over and see Katie sitting behind a desk. She is looking at the computer. "This is her, correct?" She shows me her computer screen, on it is a picture of Tessa, my Tessa.

"Where did you find this?"

"Someone posted it online. Looks like one of her friends didn't know she was in hiding, this was posted a few days ago."

"Well luckily she doesn't need to be in hiding anymore. So, where is she?"

"Looks like the picture was taken in front of a gallery. Let me look up the name." Katie types on her keyboard, and I'm starting to grow impatient. "Blue Skies Gallery. Huh, the owner's name is Jessica Blue but the picture of Jessica on the website looks just like Tessa. She must have changed her name."

"Must have. So, where is it located?"


"Okay, that's not far. I guess I'll be driving."

"We are flying there."


"You wouldn't shut up about her for years. I have to meet her, and I already got the plane tickets." Katie says and closes her computer.

"Wait, how did you find tickets so fast?"

"My girlfriend is a pilot, remember?"

"Oh, right!"

"Come on!"

We leave the building and get into a cab that drives us to the airport. The entire flight, all I can think about is Tessa. How much I miss her and how badly I want to kiss her. How much I want to hold her close to me and never let go, and how much I love her. But there is doubt in my mind too. What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she moved on and met someone else? 

Is she better off without me? If the answer to all those questions is yes.... then what the heck am I going to do about it? Me and Katie get off the plane and arrive at our hotel, separate rooms of course. I planned with her that once we arrived, we would change clothes, and go to the gallery.



I open the door to the hotel room and see Katie wearing a black dress. She has an eyebrow raised, "You're wearing that?"

"What's wrong with this?" I ask as I step out of the room and close the door. I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I considered wearing my police uniform but thought that would be too much.

"I guess it will do. Are you ready?"

"More than ready."

We head out of the hotel and get into the cab. We drove to Tessa's gallery, and it looked amazing. We make our way inside and I'm amazed at the wonderful job she did, there is a decent crowd too. My Tessa sure is talented, each photo looks like it was taken by her. There is one photo that really catches my eyes, a picture of a woman's hand holding a baby's hand. There is just something about it.

"Is that...." I turn around and see who Katie is looking at. "Todd!" She runs over to him and hugs her brother.

"Sis!" He hugs her tight. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Do I need a reason to come visit my brother?"

"Hmm.... I guess not." He says and pulls away.

"I would like you to meet someone." She motions for me to stand next to her. "Todd, this is Matt. My partner in solving crime."

"Nice to meet you." He says and shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"I would also like you to meet someone." He says. "Jessica!"

This is it; this is happening.

She walks over to us; her back is facing me. I recognize her voice. "Yes?" She asks.

"This is my new boss, Jessica. Jessica, this is Katie and her new partner, Matt." Todd says.

"Nice to meet you, Katie." She finally turns around and I look into those gorgeous eyes of hers that I have been missing. "Nice to meet you.... you...." Her face looks shocked. "You!"

"Hello to you too, Sparky."


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