iii - disgrace

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it was a day before aviva would be flying to pennsylvania. she was currently doing a little stream just to explain a bit why she wouldn't be streaming for a week.

"but yeah, i'm just going to visit my family. it's no big deal. then i'll be back!" aviva was reading her chat, seeing if anyone had any questions.

"so in case you missed it, my flight is tomorrow which is monday, and i'm staying in pa for a week and flying back on sunday. so, i'll be back to streaming next monday."

"yeah, i think it'll be nice to see my family. i haven't seen them in awhile so i'm pretty excited."

aviva streamed for a little while longer before ending it. corpse had been sitting next to aviva during the stream, a few feet out of sight of her facecam. the second aviva clicked the end stream button she looked at him. they both smiled.

"you finished packing, right?" corpse asked.

"for the most part. there are just a few things i need to find," aviva said, fiddling with one of the rings she was wearing.

"what's wrong?" corpse asked. he knew that whenever aviva played with her rings or any of her jewelry there was something wrong. it was like a nervous tic she had.

"oh nothing, i guess i'm just scared to see my parents. vera said they've changed, but i'm sure she just said it to make me feel better," aviva said.

"i'm sure you'll be fine. i mean, you haven't seen them in what, 5 years? i can't imagine them saying anything judgey to you right away," corpse said. "and like vera said, she'll be there the whole time. if anything happens you can leave."

"i know." aviva took a deep breath. corpse stood up and went to hug her, aviva standing up so he could.

being in corpse's arms made everything fade away. it felt like the rest of the world didn't exist, and nothing mattered except for them in that moment. 

it made everything feel ok.

the next day, corpse and aviva arrived at the airport and they had to say goodbye.

"so i'll see you in a week i guess," aviva said. corpse could tell she was still unsure about going.

"viva, trust me. everything is going to be fine. i promise." corpse pulled aviva into a hug. he kissed the top of her head.

"i love you," aviva said as they both pulled out of the hug.

"i love you too," corpse said. they kissed briefly.

"bye corpse." she smiled at him as she began walking away.

"bye viva."

after aviva's flight landed, vera picked her up from the airport.

"i'm so happy you're here!" vera said as she drove to their parents' house.

"i am too vera." aviva looked out the window, her mind flooding with memories from when she was younger.

"oh, mom and dad are gonna be so excited to see you v," vera said happily.

aviva didn't respond, because she wouldn't be able to stop herself from saying something like "yeah right."

"look v, i know you still don't really know about this, and that's ok. i'm gonna keep reminding you that i will be right next to you the whole time," vera looked over at aviva for a second before looking back at the road.

"i really appreciate it vera." they were silent for a bit. "i really just hope they don't ask too many questions."

"i mean, it's been 5 years, they're gonna ask you questions. but you don't need to answer anything you don't want to answer," vera said. "is there anything specific you won't want to answer?"

unbreakable - corpse husbandWhere stories live. Discover now