vii - in nightmares

508 19 5

tw - yelling, mention of abuse



"what are you wearing?"

"a tube top and jeans...?"

"you're showing too much skin."

"it's really hot outside babe, i don't understand the problem."

"go put on something else if you don't wanna have a problem."

"what do you mean 'have a problem', blake?"

"i don't think you wanna know, viva. go change now."

"don't call me that."


"i don't like that name."

"stop messing around and show me some respect, bitch."

"what's gotten into you? you've never acted this way before-"

"i'm giving you 5 seconds to go upstairs and start changing."

"blake...put the knife down..."


"blake...please stop looking at me that way..."





"VIVA!"  aviva opened her eyes and saw an extremely worried corpse leaning over her. she was drenched in sweat.

"wh-what happened?" aviva asked quietly.

"you were shaking...and muttering 'blake'," corpse said, aviva sitting up. "are you okay?"

"i just...i just had a nightmare about the first time blake abused me," aviva stuttered. corpse pulled aviva into his arms.

"i' sorry," corpse said. "has this ever happened before?"

"not since i was with him," aviva said softly. she started to cry. for corpse, seeing aviva in pain was worse than experiencing pain himself. he would do anything to rid her of all the horrible things she experienced and the trauma from them, and the fact that he couldn't devastated him. the best he could do was be there for her, which he always would, but it still pained him so much that there wasn't something more he could do. "i'm right here viva."

"i'll always be right here."

the next day, aviva was practically glued to corpse. almost every time she closed her eyes she saw blake. she couldn't be alone.

"i haven't had a day like this in so long." aviva sighed. the two were laying on their couch together, watching a random movie. "i have no clue what triggered it."

"i can't think of anything that happened recently that would have," corpse said, going through the past few days in his head.

"you don't think," aviva started. she paused for a second, corpse looking at her. "you don't think b like, got out, or something?"

"no no no," corpse said quickly, rubbing aviva's back to comfort her. "there's no way."

"how can we be sure?" aviva's voice broke slightly.

"viva," corpse cupped aviva's face in his hand. "b did not break out of prison. i promise you." aviva still looked worried, so corpse continued. "look, i'll even check the news and make sure nothing happened." corpse opened his phone, looking at the local news. "see. nothing."

unbreakable - corpse husbandWhere stories live. Discover now