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"So Y/N, don't you have anything to say to me?" Mei said as she giggled. What the hell happened to her?

"What would I tell you?" I asked her and she pouted as she pinched my sides. You stoped her, since you were a little ticklish.

"M-Mei! Stop its ticklish!" You said as you try to hold your laughs. But Mei is Mei, instead of stopping she teased you more until you couldn't hold it anymore.

"Oi Flattykawa stop murdering Y/N!" You heard the bedhead boy said, as Mei stopped from tickling your sides. You then looked at Mei to see her reaction, she doesn't really likes to be called flat just because she easily gets annoyed.

"What the f—" Were the last words you heard Kuroo said. You stood up and did a salute sign to the two figurines, with Mei choking Kuroo to his last breathe.

You just chuckled to yourself and went away from the two. They really are cousins. You said to yourself and snorted at your own statement.

"Oya? Y/N-chan why are you laughing?" You saw Bokuto on your side, he was already done changing.

Since the practice match was over everyone was cleaning, while the others were changing.

"Its nothing, Bokuto-san." You said and smiled at him. He then looked at you and tilted his head while leaning into you.

"I think I've seen you before? But I don't remember when was it." He said and while his face were still close to yours, making you feel uneasy.

"A-ano... Bokuto-san... please move away." You said and but he didn't listen.

"Oya? Don't be shy Y/N-chan! Its just me!" He said in a manner, that just made you facepalm in some way.

Bokuto-san somehow reminds me of kids. He's really pure and kind. You told yourself as you just smiled at him and pat his head.

"Okay, Bokuto-san." You said while he blush at your touch.

"Y/N-CHAN! HELP! YAKU'S ABOUT TO KICK MY ASS!" You heard the talk Russian boy said, while running towards you. You then saw Yaku behind him looking like he could kill somebody.

"Y/N! HELP ME CARRY TETSU'S BODY AND BURY IT BEFORE SOMEONE SEES IT!" You then heard Mei from the other side.

You mentally facepalmed and sighed while you tried to stop them. What a bunch of crackheads.

After dealing with Yaku beating Lev's ass up, and trying to stop Mei bury Kuroo's body Fukurodani already went home, because they still need to head back to their school.

"You okay Lev?" You asked Lev while he was rubbing his leg while sitting on the floor.

"No! Yaku-san is such a bully!" He said and pouted while you gave him ice packs.

"You shouldn't have called Yaku-san small in the first place." Yamamoto said while he was cooling down after practice.

"Y/N-chan! Isn't it done yet?" Mei said and pouted. You looked at your other side to see Mei and Kuroo looking away from each other while, their hands intertwined.

"Mei-chan you know why I told you to do this right?" You said and she pouted while pinching her own cheeks.

"But Y/N—"

"Are you already fine with Kuroo-kun?"


"Then don't bother me."

"Y/N-chaan! Don't leave me!"

"Good morning, N/N." Your cousin greeted you and smiled at you cheekily annoying the shit out of you.

"Shut up before I kick you out, Oni." You said and drank the milk that was on the table.

"Come on Y/N. Its your parents that told me I can sleep here so you can't just kick me out." He said and sat on the chair and ate his breakfast. This little brat.

"So did you get into a big argument with 'Tsumu?" You said as you grabbed yourself a plate to eat.

"No-" But before he could even answer you looked at him sheepishly.

"Don't even lie to me, kid." You said as you took a bite on the hotdog.

"I'm not a kid, I'm even older than you." He said and looked at you, disgusted.

"With that attitude of yours? I don't think so." You said and continued eating.

"Okay fine. I got into an argument with 'Tsumu." He said and looked down at his food.

"So what's this about this time?" You sighed and stood up to grab yourself water.

"Well I kinda' played with 'Tsumu's friend." He said, and you almost choked on your water.

"You really messed up big time, Onigiri." You said and he sighed.

"I already said sorry, but he was really mad at me and told me that my sorry won't change anything." He said.

"Hm? Is that all?" You asked, you can clearly see that 'Samu was worried about something else because you can clearly see it based on his movements since. You've known the twins since you were born so you know quite a lot about them plus, when you were little you were the one who would always stop the two from fighting.

"I like her." He said and took a tiny bite from his food, which was so unusual of Osamu, since he really loves eating, especially onigiri.

"What's her name?" You asked him and as you grabbed the plate plus the utensils you used, and placed it on the sink.

"Yakazawa Haruhi, she's really different unlike the others whom just basically simp for us in the team." He said.

"Osamu, if you like someone don't push her away. If you like her, tell her. Nothing's wrong with liking someone you know." You said.

"Plus, I know your not the kind of guy that plays with girls and I know 'Tsumu knows that better than anyone else, perhaps he was just worried for his friend. Plus you can't run away from your responsibilities. Didn't you tell me that you still have an upcoming match?" You said and all you heard from him was a short 'thank you'. You just sighed and nodded at him. You then excused yourself to prepare for school.

Your cousins could really get out of hand, sometimes.

𝐍𝐄𝐊𝐎𝐌𝐀'𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑. k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now