Part 2

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Tommy(in exile): I'm a miserable failure

Dream: Yeah, you are

Tommy: I've failed at life

Dream: Yeah, you have

Tommy: I could use some words of encouragement

Dream: Yeah, you could


Techno: How come when I have fun it's considered wrong?

Quackity: That's cause people die when you have fun


Grian: My wrist hurts

Rendog: Why you've been at the hospital all day cause you broke your ankle

Grian: I had to write 'I will not be stupid and hurt myself ever again' like a million times

Rendog: Who made you do that

Iskall: Me

Rendog: ...

Iskall: It had to be done


Tubbo: It's really muggy outside today

Phil: I swear to god if I go outside and there's a bunch of mugs on the lawn I'm going to kill you

Tubbo: *Sips coffee from a bowl*


Ant: It's kinda cold out here

Velvet: Here, take my jacket

Ant: Thank you!

Velvet: we are such a perfect couple

Quackity:(Looking at Sapnap) I'm cold too

Sapnap: Well damn, Q, I can't control the weather!


Quackity: Can you guys just TRY to see it from MY perspective?!

Sapnap: *Crouches down*

Karl: *Gets down on his knees*


Quackity: I will kill both of you in your sleep


Sapnap: I'm 50% fashion, 70% skills, and 80% animal abuse

George: That's 200...

Sapnap: Yeah, I'm twice the man you'll ever be


Bad: Wanna talk about it?

Skeppy: (Facedown on the floor crying) Bold of you to assume something is wrong

Father dearest i telling me to get off, adios!!!

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