We All Pay for Our Mistakes

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There in the back, you can hear the echo of the labored breathing. You can hear the way the chains rattle with anticipation. You can hear the whine that comes with the searing of silver and wolfsbane on the flesh. The smell of the of burned human hair and flesh fills your lungs the further you go down the corridor.

"Please!" The broken voice whimpers.


"Please what?" A stronger voice questions.

"I can't-" It gasps in pain.

"What did you do when she pleaded like you are?" The stronger voice questioned.


"You kept slashing her back with your whip until you were able to see her lungs?" I chime in as my eyes land on the pathetic piece of shit that is Arnold.

His blue eyes look into mine but I don't see remorse. I see a dark emptiness behind those eyes, something that you only see in those that truly don't have a soul.

"And then you waited for her heal so you could do it again." I turn to Morgan who has a grim expression that makes his brown eyes cold and almost lost.

Reaching for the whip in his hand, he turns to me and he comes back. He nods and takes a step back putting the whip in my hand. He says nothing and disappears down the corridor with one last hateful look towards the scum at my feet.

"No response?" I ask and get the whip ready.

"E-very time-" He gulps in a deep breath. "You give me a slash, she will feel it." He warns and cowers lower to the dirty stone floor.

"I think she has felt enough." I bent down and get close to his ear. "Don't you?"

"Yes." He replies with relief and sinks lower but he let's me see his smile.

"She has." I agree and stand. "But you haven't."

He cries out before the whip slashes through his skin and a fresh stream of blood runs down his back.


"You need to at least pinch those damn cheeks!" Lidia has her hands up and I move my head back quickly pinching my own cheeks.

"Got it!" I smile at her but my heart is about to explode.

I shouldn't see him. This isn't right. Alpha Mark should not feel so right.

Every time I close my eyes, I see him with those twins sitting on his lap giving his smiling face drink while I stand there with tray in my hand about to give them more drink. The image follows me when he pokes his head in the room twice a day. He thinks I am asleep but I just can't face him so I keep my heart and breath steady until he leaves again.

"And keep your head up child," Lidia smiles gleefully and with great pride. "You are a Luna now."

I can hear my deafening gulp in the room and plaster on my fakest smile.


We can't keep him like that for much longer. Morgan comments as we race through the trees in our wolf forms.

Wanna bet? I question and bound over him and into the lake in front of us.

The cold water washes away the blood from my kill. The cold temperature relaxes my muscles and numbs the soreness in my chest.

My little chef has left me destitute these past couple of weeks. She is so goddamn stubborn. She didn't eat the first four days and collapsed. Not only does she never let me see her awake to look into those emerald eyes, she has gone as far as pretending to be asleep when I check in on her in the morning and in the early evening. My little chef wants nothing to do with me since I almost kissed her but I have to respect her wishes, for now...

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