Sockeye Mountain

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One more week. Just one more week. That's it. I think.

The nights and days are molding together and we have seen most of the property meeting with warriors and guardians at our borders.

Many of them are men but some are also women. We protect when we need to. All of us do. Being a part of a pack is working together and putting the effort it takes to help with whatever is needed.

We stopped and rested almost a full twelve hours ago but we had to keep climbing up higher in elevation of Sockeye Mountain, where the cabin awaits.

We haven't eaten in a day and my coat is wet and cold. The cabin holds our clothes and supplies for the next month.

It's the mountain that has been erased from all maps. The mountain that hides high and mighty in the Northernmost woods of California. As we get higher, our wolfs struggle with the thinning of the air.

There is snow here, it gets colder but we push on. The rocks feel sharper against my padded paws.

Here! He yells through the mind link and in the middle of the snow an opening to a cave and I follow him through it. We can sleep in here tonight.

I watch his large wolf take the far left corner and I take the right. The snow outside begins to fall faster now and soon a storm hits.

No one warned me about the storm! He growls angered and I stay put as he begins to pace the ten by ten cave.

Maybe they are just testing us. I suggest sitting up and he grunts and keeps pacing. Maybe it's best to rest until I can go out and hunt?

Always give your alpha the options to choose from but make sure that you are willing to do either or.

It seems like it. He growls angrily to himself and sits back down.

This time a bit closer than before and I can feel the heat radiate off him.

I want to snuggle against him and sleep warmly but his demeanor has changed. It's almost as if he is giving me the choice to make an effort. For friendship, we should try.

It's getting darker and our vision adjusts. The cold picks up at a negative temperature. I curl into a ball but I can still feel my legs shiver a bit.

My eyes look over to see Lukas laying on his side, facing me with his eyes closed and snoring slowly with each massive breath already.

If only I can get some sleep! It's getting no so cold!

Just close your eyes and sleep. Just close...your...eyes...


Is that a whimper? I open an eye and find a silver fluff ball shivering only a few feet away. She is not a small wolf but the dark cold night is even bringing me the shivers.

The wind howls outside and snow is beginning to build around the entrance. I need to keep an airway open in this crevice of the mountain or we will be without ventilation.

I push my paw through the six inches of snow and then push my shoulder into it. The entrance of the cave is open again but only halfway. That way there is some type of coverage but I have to keep watch.

Alicia is still asleep and still shaking. If she wasn't so damn stubborn we could've been warmer together. Back to back would have sufficed but she didn't even try and now she is probably going to get hypothermia.

That's the whole point of this mission. To be there for one another. No matter how stubborn the other might be.

I can't let her get sick. Then we will have to wait to do this all over again in a year.

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