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I kept my eyes on Laney as she followed Adam out the door. I could hear their footsteps get further and further away.

"What just happened?" I look over at Lucia, Adam's mom, who has the most confused face I had ever seen on her.

I don't know how to answer. If she hasn't figured it out yet, it's because she is either really out of it or she doesn't want to see what's clearly there.

It hurts. Honestly. Truly. In some weird way, I think that I would have always ended up with Adam. We got along so well! We never fight and it's almost like we were meant to be together. Even though we knew that there was a major possibility that we could find mates in other people, we still had hope.

"Oh." Lucia said and sat down a look of understanding on her face. "Oh." She nodded to herself.

Was the Moon Goddess playing tricks on us? Was this just some cruel joke? To have a lifetime victim of bullying mate their own bully? I don't know if it's karma or if it's sweet justice; all I take from it is that my best friend is going to come back with his new mate and I'm going to be swept to the side.

It's only natural that Adam would want to be with his mate instead of the best friend. I even I see this coming! I don't blame him either. Laney is one of the most gorgeous she-wolfs in our pack.

"No!" We hear a high pitch scream  surround the large infirmary.

There was pain in the scream and Lucia and I rush to the door. Not even four feet away from the door, Laney was on the ground clutching her chest and wrapping her arms around her torso in pain.

"Laney!" I reach her side on instinct and begin to check her but all she does is shake her head. "What happened?" My voice asks without my permission and her big brown eyes look at me.

There is nothing but a deep pain in the blue eyes and it hits me.

Adam has rejected his mate.

"This is all your fault!" Laney cried and turned her body to face the wall, sobs wrecking her body.

"What the hell is going on here?" Our Luna, Celestina orders and looks down at the girl.

Lucia and I turn to our Luna and bow. Lucia takes a step forward as the Luna approaches her. The question in her strong blue eyes.

Lucia shakes her head solemnly and a tear escapes her.

"She has been rejected by her mate." She sighed as another tear falls and she shakes her head looking at the ground in disappointment.

The Luna looks at the girl and begins to yell orders and soon, three nurses come in and help the girl from the floor as she clutched her chest in pain.

My heart breaks for her but even more so, for Adam. Holy fuck! Where the hell is Adam? I take a deep breath and walk around looking for him all around the first floor of the pack house like an idiot.

"WHO?!" A booming voice growled making the whole pack house creak and groan.

Holy shit! Was that the Alpha? Suddenly, a rush of heat passes through me. Why do I feel so hot?

I'm not sweating, I'm not in need of air from all the walking I did. So, what is this clamminess on my hands and arms?

Boom! The sound comes from the west side of the pack house. Where the Alpha's office is. I have never known him to be an unbearable Alpha that yells at his pack members.

Loud steps echo as they hit the marble floors hard and heavy.

"You better find him before my father does!" The booming voice echoed closer.

I better get out of here! Where the hell do I go? The stairs are in their direction and there's a fucking closet behind me. There's no way I won't be caught if I keep moving forward.

Fuck it!

I turn and enter the closet. The smell of detergent and bleach fills my nostrils. Ew! Too strong for a werewolf!

"I don't understand how someone could reject their mate." The dark once booming voice says.

Their getting closer!

"Maybe It's because of the girls-" My dad begins to say and clears his throat.

"Reputation?" The dark and thick voice asks. "What do you mean?" It questions.

"She has reputation amongst the younger males." My dad rephrased.

"Poor guy." It responded and then a sharp intake of breath. "Do you smell that?" He asked and then another deep breath. "It smells like peaches and-" He sniffs the air again, in a more frantic way. "Lavender."

"Oh, fuck!" Oh, shit!

They most definitely heard me! Well, it's not like I'm hiding because I stole something, it's because I am innocent and scared of the dark scary voice.

"Who's in that closet?" The thick voice asked.

Goddess, Alicia! You really did it this time!

"Come out, now!" He commands and now he definitely hear my heart pounding.

His voice, it's that of an alpha. A young alpha.

Just get out before it gets worse and he gets angrier.

Fuck! A millions and a billion time, fuck!

"I'm just-" I look up and my eyes land on dark purple ones.

Pupils are dilated and a low growl escapes full lips.

Oh, shit! I'm in so much trouble now. Great way to meet this super hot guy!

Look any weirder and even my dad will act like he doesn't know me!

"Alicia!" My dad scolds and my eyes look away from the dark and mesmerizing purple ones. "What were you doing in there?" He asks coming up to me and putting an arm over my shoulders, eyes looking me over, making sure, as always, to see if I have any bruises or cuts from my bullies since I was a child.

"A friend just lost someone very dear to them and I-" Adam's face flashes in my line of vision and my heart breaks for him and the pain he must be going through.

"Why do you cry?" The taller man with the thick sexy voice asked and his purple eyes squint slightly as if holding back.

"He is my best friend and he just-" I feel my chest burn and my vision blurs. "I was looking for him." I cry into my dads shoulder as he wraps his arms around me.

A low growl fills the space around us.

"You know the boy who rejected his mate?" Dark purple eyes swam with something electric.

I feel such a shocking vibe from him despite my sadness. And I know I'm not giving up my best friend to this damn beast!

"No, my friend lost his father." I lie and the big broad heated man growls lowly.

"Do not lie, child." Oh shit, why the fuck am I blushing.

Why do I feel like his eyes are pero omg through my very core? Who the fuck is this monster anyways?

And I say monster because not only is this excruciatingly handsome, he also big. He looks like a damn wrestler on steroids! His height! Oh, his fucking height! He must be at least six foot six which is, in turn, very fucking intimidating.

It's almost like he needs to be intimidating even though his mere presence is enough to make anyone stand hut! He doesn't need to be intimidating! He needs to be intimidating!

"I do not lie!" I yell back stepping away from my father's embrace, the anger coming in waves. "Who do you think you are?!" I snap and a thick eyebrow shoots up and my dad takes my arms pulling me back. "What?" I snap at my dad who looks at the man with concern, a stoic expression on his handsome features.

Damn, who has a clean-shaven prominent jaw with a cleft chin that looked perfect for a movie star?

"Calm down!" My dad scolds holding onto my arm tightly. "This is your future alpha!" He growls and I feel my heart plummet to my stomach.

Oh, fuck. My future boss is this damn beast?

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