Sockeye Mountain Part 5

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Still trying to figure out who would play Lukas...

We need a tall man. Someone like Henry Cavill or Chris Hemsworth but not them. Lol

In the spirit of the holidays, here is Part 5 of Sockeye Mountain!

Let me know what you think!


Don't embarrass her! Reynold growls in my head when the sweet smell of Alicia comes from around the corner.

Each of her steps is light on her feet and you can almost mistake it for the wind howling outside that makes the large old cabin creak.

"Good morning!" I say and take a big breath my back turned towards her.

Oh, fuck! She smells amazing!

Keep it together! Reynold growls. I know she smells like the first rains of the season but you have to relax!

Since when is Reynold the voice of reason?

I don't want you to Fuck up! He snaps back.

"Morning." Her tone is low and I grip the handle of the pan tighter.

"Sleep well?" I ask knowing full well that all she did was toss and turn all night making the whole house smell of her.

"I think you know that I didn't." She snaps and then gulps and I turn to find her face flushed and her hair in disarray flowing over her shoulders.

"I'm sorry?" Keep pretending.

Don't embarrass her and don't look at her short clad thighs that rub together when she walks creating more sweat that enhances her smell.

"I think you know." She growls and I see her hands fist slowly, controlling her anger.

Her eyes dart all over me with suspicion and intrigue.

Oh, Goddess, I don't think I can handle it if she comes on to me! I confess and Reynolds growls in approval.

Give her what she needs. Reynolds growls trying not to come out and take the sweaty, angry, and incredibly sexy she-wolf in front of me.

"And?" I ask slowly turning off the stove behind me.

Small hands are on my shoulders and the rub up to my neck deliciously slow.

"And, " I feel her hot breath on my back. "I think you can help me."

Her hands feel like fire. Consuming fire that is threatening to burst in my chest if I don't do something quick.

"I just need help with one little thing..." She trails off and her hands smooth over my shoulders and down my arms to my waist.

"Alicia..." I say in my alpha tone to warn her.

"Just one thing." A small hand caresses over my jeans and grips my member.

"Alicia!" I pull her hand away and gulp.

Oh, fuck! She is too close! And she smells so good. Her eyes look to my lips and her body presses against mine.

Control! Reynold growls loudly and I groan when her other hand tugs on the waistband of my boxers and lets it snap against my hip bone.

"Big Alpha can't help his poor little Beta?" Her tone is so low and every time a breath leaves her lips I am intoxicated even more, her eyes unnerving and unyielding.

I push her hand away and hold her wrists in my hands and take deep breaths.

She is going to kill me!

"You need to control it, Alicia." I groan out and she blinks and suddenly she pulls away.

If her cheeks could get any redder they did.

"I-" She clears her throat and I can see the shame in her eyes and she turns and runs back to her room quickly.

I told you not to embarrass her! Reynold growls. Why would you reject her when she is so willing?!

I am not going to take advantage of her situation!  I snap.

How could he think such a thing? I just want to help her get through this in one piece and preferably not pregnant with my child.

Neither of us is ready for that.

She will come back and it will get harder every time! Reynold warns.

We may be animals but even we have morals! I snap at him.

What he suggests is not right. Even knowing deep down that I am the only one who can help her truly, I know better than to take advantage of someone. No matter how enticing her antics are.

I can smell her purity and it's all the more will to wait. Alicia is worth the wait.

I want to make sure Alicia looks sultry at me when she conscious of what she is doing and wants me. And yet, I almost caved just then. I can't let it happen again.

Her hands are like flames to the touch. If I let Alicia near me again, I don't know what I will do.

You better not avoid her! Reynold growls. Give her what she needs!

What the hell does that mean? Give in to her advances?

Yes! He snaps back. You will do so eventually anyway!

Ugh! I hate when he is right but I don't want to feel the wrath of Alicia if she gets pregnant.

That's the whole cause of this heat. It's meant to help our kind procreate. Alicia isn't ready for that, I am may be ready for that but I know she is not. How am I going to reject her advances when she smells so delicious and makes all my senses blurry?

Alicia is like a ripe grape that is ready to pick and enjoy her juices. It's wrong that I see her as a fruit but her body is going through all the changes her mate would find attractive.

In this case, her hips and ass have swelled before my eyes over the past two months. How did she not know that her heat was coming? Every she-wolf knows these things unless...

Oh, fuck me! My mother! That middling old bat! How could she do this to me?!


Cold shower, forget about the shame because this isn't your fault.

Actually, it totally is your fault. Mia states and I feel shame and guilt rush through me.

How could I not have known the perigee would lead to my heat? How did I not do the math right? Oh, my God! My mother knew! Even the Luna knows!

Oh, fuck! They are going to think I have been planning to get pregnant and become Luna! Oh, fuck!

Why is this all happening to me? I hate blaming fate but what the hell? This is too much!

This is going to make my body and Reynold only harder to control.

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