Full Moon

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The moon above is so bright tonight and I feel Mia trying to run ahead and look for the kill of the night.

It's been odd, to say the least. Lukas seems to be near whenever he can and honestly? It's suffocating me. He keeps looking back to make sure that I am there on his right side.

Does he not trust me yet? I don't understand this.

We have a couple of hours to go. He informs as we run.

Understood. I reply and he pushes faster.

The ground beneath us is a blur as we run and I can barely feel my paws hitting the ground.

I can feel my lungs ready to burst but I push forward by his side until he comes to a slow stop.

We are both panting but we don't sit. We have to make sure we are safe.

Stay. He commands softly and I lay down on my side stretching my tired legs. I'll secure the perimeter.

I nod in acknowledgment and watch him take off at half speed.

Damn! I'm so tired! Why does he have to push us so much? Does he not know we need breaks? I can't bitch out though. It's against my nature to give up now. We are through the first quarter of the land-only and it's only been a week!

Reynold is a feral wolf but he keeps himself in check. There's something he is holding back. Something about his wolf is off.

A large twig breaks and I'm up. The sound of a low grunt makes my ears stand up. I sniff the air and smell fur.

Who's fur? What kind of fur? I follow the scent low and slow. Another twig breaks and I turn around in time and come face to face with a large adult male black bear.

He growls at me and I growl back. I can run but I choose not to. Instead, I retreat back making him think he has the advantage.

This is the goddess giving me a chance and I will take it. This bear could feed us for a good two days and its fur will make a great gift for my future alpha.

I take a step back behind a large bush and wait. He returns to picking berries from a bush and I wait.

I have to be tactical or else I could die. A bear this size can kill me if I'm not careful. It may take a couple of tries but I know how to bring an animal this big down.

It turns it's back at me and lunge on it's back and bite on it's neck and pull the piece out. Blood oozes from the spot as he wails and swings its big claws at me but I dodge and jump again.

My teeth bite down on the wounded flesh and pull away as his claws try to grab me. It wails in pain and I lick my lips of the blood and pieces I've pulled out. I have yet to rip its jugular and if don't do it now, it will run and survive.

The bear stumbles and holds its neck while still swinging with its other arm.

I pounce on him again and this time I bite deep into its neck and pull with all my might and it rips the tough valve. Blood runs freely down its chest and it tilts over and lands on its side, holding me captive under its heavyweight.

I growl and shake my body trying to get out from underneath the dead weight but it's no use and I can't breathe.

Oh, no! My first real kill is going to be the death of me! This is not going down like this! I growl and push my legs against the body of the bear.

It's so damn heavy!

Need a hand? The low voice asks and I grunt with an effort to pull my head out from underneath the bear and look up to find gold eyes right above me.

Almost out! I promise and push on the dead weight again until I turn my body and claw my way out.

Do you have a death wish? He asks nudging my shoulder and walks around me making sure I'm not hurt.

Alphas are supposed to trust that their beta can handle themselves and right now all he's showing is something else. It feels like he's hiding something from me.

No. I reply and pant sitting and licking my paws. I like to hunt.

Yes, but at what cost? This bear could've killed you! His tone is harsh in my head and I bow my head.

He didn't and I was in control of the situation or else I wouldn't have taken the risk. My chest is heaving with anger.

Instead of thanking me he is berating me.

Either way, His large paws are in front of me and I know he is sitting right in front of me. Thank you.

What the fuck is wrong with this man! Why is he so fucking infuriating? Why can't he just trust me? I have given him no reason to not trust me.

You're welcome. I reply and watch his paws begin to walk around me, sniffing for my blood.

Are you hurt? He asks and I shake my head and feel his nose on my back.

I'm fine. I growl and he steps back. You need to trust me.

I do. He nods and sits back eyeing the bear. I haven't even killed a bear. He admits.

Well, that's very interesting. Something he hasn't done before.

I will secure the perimeter. I announce and get up.

I need to get away from him and before he can say anything I bolt and run at my full speed. It didn't matter that I have already run for hours before. I can't be near him right now without getting into trouble.

How could he not trust me yet?


Well, not only do I have to apologize for not trusting her, I have to have an excuse for my overprotectiveness.

And what am I going to say? Huh?

You fucking idiot.

That you're a horny bastard that is narcissistic and willing to throw away everything just to fuck her?

You're not a wolf. You're a pig.

I also don't have to explain shit to her either. I'll just keep to myself.


"Luna!" I smile at her and open the front door fully. "I wasn't expecting you today."

"I am sorry to catch you off guard but I think there's something we should talk about." her demeanor is panicked and I nod.

"What is it about?" I ask as we reach the kitchen.

Her eyes dart down and then up.

" It's about Lukas and Alicia."

My heart drops and my mouth goes dry.

What can this possibly be about?

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