Little Lies

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No! No! This isn't right! I am not supposed to find my mate yet! I am only eighteen and in love with my best friend. Alicia should've been my mate! Not that slut!

First period.

You know that feeling you get when your stomach is telling you that you're either getting sick or something bad was about to happen? Well, I've already puked once since I got to school.

Why does it hurt so much?

It's so cold in this damn school! They never turn on the heaters! It's crap! Oh, man! My stomach!

I turn the corner and head for the nearest bathroom. Eyes blur and my head hurts.

"Damn, dude!" A guy yelled and I heaved into the toilet.

The dread in my stomach is gone but my head is still pounding.

"Someone get him some milk!" A guy yells and I rub my temples.

Why is this happening to me on the first day of school?

"Leave him alone." A dark voice said and I looked up at the biggest of them all, Steve.

The bad boy of the school. The guy we all want to be like.

"What's wrong?" The other one asked him. "Is he your new bitch this week?"

"No," Steve answers him in a usual clipped tone. "But you will be if you don't leave him alone."

Why is this guy even trying? He never once paid any attention to me. He was the aloof asshole.

"Relax, Steve!" The other yelled and chuckled but even I can hear the tremor in his voice.

"You, alright?" He asks and I nod not even looking up.

My head is spinning again. What the hell did I eat last night? The bile rising to my throat makes me heave the rest of my breakfast into the toilet.

"Jesus!" Steve groaned. "You're gonna make me sick!" He growled.

"What-" I wipe my mouth. "What do you want?"

Can I even get up?

"Can't a friend help a friend out?" He answered and I roll my eyes.

My friggin head! Ugh!

"Whoa, man you look like shit!" He said closer now and stood to hold the door to the stall open.

"Since when are we friends?" I ask and he looks confused.

"Damn, you're breaking my heart!" He put a hand to his chest. "I can't believe you don't remember!" He sighed.

"Nope." I sigh and my insides turn with the small action.

Oh, no! What the hell is going on? My head is getting worse.

"You used to defend a small skinny kid in grade school from getting beat up..." He laughed.

"What?" My legs shake and I know I can't get up yet. "I don't remember."

"Well," He smirks. "I just returned the favor." He points to his back referring to the guys that were no doubt going to beat me up.

I don't remember helping a scrawny kid- Wait! Yes, I do! String bean. We used to call him String Bean.

"String Bean?" I look up at him and scowl.

"The one and only!" He laughed and held his hand out to me. "Come on man, let's get you cleaned up!"

Was this guy for real? Why now after so many years of being the secluded bad boy who didn't talk to anyone besides the girl he had on his arm that week. Which was always someone from another school from the town over or another pack high school.

I take his hand and he pulls me up.

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