Chapter 16

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I grabbed Cassius by the collar and brought my knee into his stomach, he keeled over and I used all of my strength and sent him into a portal I opened. I opened multiple portals for my friends and shouted, "THROW THEM IN!" They did as they were told and in one swift motion we all ran back to Witch Academy to warn Headmaster Dresland.

"Where did you send them off too?" Cooper asked. "I have no idea, but I do know we need to be prepared before they find their way back." I answered. "Does everyone still have their powers?" Kalan asked. Josh demonstrated by snapping his fingers igniting a small flame in reply. "How's that possible?" Mya asked. "We don't belong here, we just took the presence of our past selves in this time. I made us keep our powers. I can do that." I answered.

"Your powers range to the point where you can make our future selves dominant in any time period." Cooper added. I nodded as we entered into the Academy gates and headed straight for Dresland's office.

He was startled to see us as we burst into the door. "Sit down old body old pal." Josh grinned. I shook my head at him as he adjusted his tie clearing his throat sitting upright in his chair. Phoebe sent me a small reassuring smile, she hadn't said much since the travel.

"We're from a different time." Mya started. He scoffed and a chuckle came out. I frowned at him then started narrating the events to come. He folded his hands in front of his face leaning on his elbows on his desk. "Everyone was instituted their powers though." He began. "Yes, which means now that you know we need to take this current you back with us before you depart to the Council's quarters." Phoebe finally spoke.

I grinned at her and she blushed. "Anything to stop what's to come." He urged standing to his feet. I closed my eyes and nodded at each of the guys before I went on ahead and initiated the traveling mechanism. The aura
poured out of me and as I gained my sight back we were in the prize room that morning.

They all smiled at me. "Everyone still have their powers now?" Kalan asked. Josh snapped his fingers starting a fire to demonstrate and they smiled. "That's totally cool." Cooper grinned. Mya chuckled and Phoebe held my hand in hers. Dresland walked over to the couch and sat with a big sigh. "What are we going to do?" He asked.

"Kidnap each member of the Coven, including Cameron." I answered intensity in my voice.

We were in the chant room. No one but us had our powers. Dresland had called off the meeting with the Council buying us time to first stop the madness before the coming coronation. Phoebe was briefing us since she knew more about the 3 girls than we did. Josh, Kalan and I were going after Cameron. We were going to do so around the time he would go to the meeting with the rest of the team members.

Phoebe was going after Taylor, Cooper was going after Donna, and Mya was going after Logan. Dresland was informed of everything and he gave us all permission to do whatever it took to prevent what he had told him of the future.

"I can hear my heart in my ears." Kalan said. I heard a lump of anxiety in his throat. "You'll be fine." Josh assured him giving him a back rub. I smiled, because in the length of time we spent together we had grown a bond. We saw Cameron now making his way through the corridor towards the academic wings. I placed an invisible shield in front of him and he frowned. "What's going on?" He asked almost in a shout. I stepped from behind the pillar and stood a couple of inches apart from him.

"What do you want?" He asked. I didn't say a single word to him. Kalan and Josh remained hidden. "Are you deaf?" Cam asked angrily approaching me. His fist flew into the air and I caught it, throwing my body like a heavy load towards him wrapping my legs around him falling to the ground like an anchor sinking beneath a wading boat. He screamed out as his shoulder broke the fall.

Kalan came over with knock out dust and sprinkled it on his head and slowly his groans turned into whales, then snores. We stood around him amazed by how easy it was and slowly we disappeared through a portal into the hidden chant room underneath Sal's shop. Cooper and Mya had shown up 2 minutes apart from each other. Last was Phoebe with a conscious Taylor. Cooper grabbed a vase and held it in his hands over the two rustling bodies on the floor, waiting for Taylor to top Phoebe so that he could use it.

I closed my eyes as that moment happened and all you could hear was the thud of her body on the right side of Phoebe's defensive stance. Mya snapped her fingers and the Coven were changed together in a circle.

"What now? Josh asked. The guys stared at me. "We wait for First Lady Witch." I answered.

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