Chapter 3

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I was all alone in the Chant room when my brother came in. “What are you doing?” He asked confused. “I’m reading the book of Faith.” I answered. He stared at me wide eyed. “What’s the problem?” I questioned bitterly. “It’s just that you never read.” He smiled sheepishly. “Oh really, when was the last time before today you’ve seen me read?”

       It was silent. I frowned and he smiled in victory. “That’s what I thought.” He grinned. “Today when I was with Ana I think I read her mind.” I informed him. “Are you kidding me?” He asked. I shook my head and he sighed with a baffled look. “How can that be?”

       “You think it has something to do with the up coming coronation?” I asked. “It probably could be.” He answered shrugging. “Well that would mean you’d be receiving the powers.” He frowned. “Why in the world would you be getting them?” He asked angrily. “How would that be the case? No one has ever met First Lady Witch.” I snapped.

       He turned around. “Cooper the cause could be something else.” I reassured him. “It’s only a matter of time.” I continued. “I guess Adam.” He sighed. “What did you sign up for today at the festival?” He asked. “You’ll find out on Thursday.” I replied with a big smile. “Since when are you keeping secrets?” He asked. “I’m not; I just want this to be a surprise.” I assured him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the book of Spells.

       “You’re leaving so soon?” I asked. He nodded, “I have three potions to make for tomorrow’s first Potions club meeting. I’ll be back in the morning.” He answered beginning to walk out. “Goodnight.” I shouted. His hand was the only thing I saw waving as he left then Phoebe came popping into the room.

       She folded her arms and tapped her right foot standing in a sassy pose. “What’s wrong now?”  I asked. “That was very rude what you did today.” She answered. “I’m sorry Phoebe; I just want it to be a surprise.”

       Her eyebrows rose. “You aren’t so big on surprises.” She smiled with a smirk. “Well this will be a guaranteed surprise.” I smiled. She nodded slowly with her mouth open and walked over to the book shelf. “I think I can read minds.” I confessed. She turned around slowly.

       “Excuse me?” She questioned putting her hand to her ear leaning in my direction. “I think I can read minds.” I repeated. Her arms folded again and I leaned back in the chair with a sigh. “Okay then you should prove it.” She said standing tall, her arms still folded, nose in the air.

       I stared long and hard and concentrated. ‘What a liar!” The echoing voice sounded in my head. “When have I ever lied to you?” I asked standing to my feet holding the book of Faith in my hands. Her face froze in about fifty different ways. “Hurry up, get what you need and leave.” I seethed angrily at her.

       She sighed and grabbed the book of Portals and Dimensions then left.

       My head began to throb and I put the book of Faith up then walked out of the Chant room locking the closet door behind me.

       I grabbed my leather jacket and put it on opening up the window to my room and began climbing out. It was almost time for curfew and on Tuesday nights like these I spent my time in town. It was like the New Orleans Mardi Gras type themed outing environment every Witch loved to be intoxicated by.

       I ran along the dirt road in back of the Academy and made my way downhill where a flat piece of land over looked the town. As I came upon the end of the trail and to the podium like area I smiled brightly hearing the saxophone being blown into and the laughs and chattering of everyone on the streets.

       As I made my way down the stone steps a couple of paces away from where I stood the moon was big and full.

       “When the moon is full make a wish.” My mom would say to me every night when I would sleep at the foot of her bed. “What would happen?” I asked sitting up. This specific night I made my way up to the headboard where she slept. She was sitting up and I sat up next to her. Her arm went around me and I lay on her lap. “You are just like your father you know.” She said. “How am I?” I asked. She giggled. “For starters, you both hate the dark. I never understood why.” She answered. I didn’t understand myself. “He was always saving someone and he never missed the action of a fight because he was always in it.” She continued.

       I blushed because I was just like my dad. Cooper was like mom in every way possible. After dad died I wasn’t the same. I would have to tucker myself out before falling asleep. A night light was in my dorm room but even knowing that was there it wouldn’t put me right to sleep.

       “Wait up Tiffany.” Someone giggled as they jet right pass me. Everyone comes here to have a good time. I smiled as the jazz band played up beat music and the street dancers did the best routine of the night.

       I was at the juice bar when a light in one of the stores across the street began to flicker. ‘Sal’s Antiques’ was what the sign said. Before you knew it I was walking into the store and above the door was a bell that went ‘ding’. “Hello is anyone here?” I asked. Books lined a wall, and furniture was off in the far back. Jewelry lined a rack and a gold necklace caught my eye hanging from a hook.

       “We’re closed.” The voice started as I turned around with the necklace in my hands. “How much is this?” I asked. “Seven snake fangs, didn’t you hear me young man we’re…” He stopped suddenly as I approached the counter. “You’re that Bartlet kid.” He said in shock.

       “Why did someone tell you about me and my brother?” I asked with a smile. “Brother? Wait, you’re not Aiden Bartlet?” He questioned confused. “That’s my dad. He died two years ago. How did you know him?”

       He shook his head. “You must leave now. Go home go back to Earth. You must not be here in the realm of Cathia. You and your brother must leave.” He emphasized. “What? Why? I just want the necklace.” I said. “You can have it. Free of charge.” He stuttered leading me to the door. “Just leave Cathia for your own safety and your brothers.” He said again.

       I turned around and watched as the blinds sealed shut and the lights outside went out. “What a creepy old man.” I muttered putting on the necklace and held the triquetra pendant in my hands.

       For the rest of the night I walked along the bank of a river throwing rocks occasionally in the water. At one point I attempted to pick up a huge boulder and laughed loudly at myself for how ridiculous I looked. I climbed it and sat on top looking over the water as fish poked their heads up and swam back down when they noticed me watching. Everything here was magical. I giggled and then jumped down making my way back to the stone steps, back up to the hill and to my window climbing in.

       I closed the windows back and laid across the bed and stared up into the ceiling my eyes closing slowly, sleep becoming a part of me. “You’re the one.” A faint ghostly voice echoed in my head. I sat up quickly looking around the room to find myself alone. 

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