Chapter 11

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We were on our way up the restricted corridors. That's where the faculty offices were and at the very end was Dresland's. When we got to the door Mya suggested a portal but I couldn't open one up to the insides of a place I had never been too. Cooper reached into his pocket and pulled out a pin. He got down on his knees and inserted the pointy side rustling around in the lock before a click sounded.

I arched an eyebrow at him and he shrugged. I shook my head as we walked in now and Josh stood watch behind the door through the peep hole. The book case behind Dresland's desk was vast. It had a ladder leading to a second flight and yet we had no idea which book to pull.

"Caesar's Ruling..." The ghostly voice started in my head. I walked up to the book shelf and scanned the books when the thickest spine exhibiting the name I was looking for caught my eyes. I pulled the book out causing a lever to snap behind it and a door to come sliding across revealing a hollow slit inside.

Phoebe peeped over the balcony with Mya before making their way back down and entering inside with us. "I wonder did Headmaster Councilman Cabot have any idea: at all, that this was being built?" Cooper asked. "I doubt it." Phoebe answered; she would know; her grandparents knew him.

We were inside the room now when we noticed the orbs in a chest. Cooper and Phoebe ran over to it. Josh stood next to me and Kalan and Mya were observing some crystals. "I overheard Dylan, Tessa and Todd talking about demoting Cameron and making you the next Captain." He grinned. "I'm not ready for that position." I retorted. He shoved me, "Dude you so totally are." He scoffed walking over to Kalan and Mya.

"These douches are more than a Coven, they're freaking Cult." My brother shouted. We all ran over to them as my brother flipped through a book. "It's filled with black magic." He said. "That explains why the other Coven of those three bitches can do those hexes and poisons." Phoebe added. I nodded at her and she smiled a bit; making the concern reappear on her face. "What are we going to do?" Josh asked.

I grabbed a handle on the case and they stared at me scared. "You guys get this place back in order; I'm going to go stash this somewhere." I said backing up into a portal with the chest. I exited on the other side into my old room back home. The air was still and silent. I locked the chest in my closet and then headed over to the door when suddenly before turning the lock the sounds of voices filled the other side of the door. I reacted quickly and backed into a portal falling out on the other side into the couch in the chant room.

Could it have been my mom and dad? I mean it's been a couple of years now since we've seen them. Reason being, time here in Cathia is way different from that on Earth.

My brother looked over at me in confusion and I shook off the feeling standing up making my way over to him. "Where's everyone else?" I asked. "They're all getting ready for classes; which start tomorrow." He answered. I smacked my head forgetting that I had no time at all to buy any materials for class. "I've got you covered." My brother smiled. He knew me well. "I made sure to grab some stuff for you." He giggled.

"Thanks so much Cooper." I cheered hugging him. He shoved me off giggling and then grabbed his notebook putting the book of Spells back on the shelf. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow for breakfast then." He nodded then began walking off. He turned around with a grin. I smirked and opened up a portal. "Good night." He smiled and ran off into it.

I closed it and made my way out of the room into my bedroom closing the door then sitting on the bed. I spotted the materials on my dresser and smiled, my brother was very thoughtful. There was a knock at the door and I got up quickly to answer it. Just as I thought it was Phoebe.

Her arms went around me and I pulled her into the room closing the door behind her. "You ready for class tomorrow?" I asked. She nodded against my chest in reply and I smiled satisfied at her answer. "Are you okay?" I questioned. "Why wouldn't I be? I just wanted to be in your arms." She answered. I smiled brighter.

Suddenly, the beep for the intercom went off. "Good afternoon fellow Witches all of Witch Academy. It is my pleasure to inform you that each one of you have been reinstated of your magic." Dresland started. Shouts from opposite sides of my rooms could have been heard. Phoebe looked up at me. "Please be aware that anything that goes against the Coat of Arms of the Academy will place that Witch on probation causing the removal of the offender's magic for 48 hours." He said. "We all know that tomorrow begins all Witches classes, let's make it a good first day." He said and then he hung up.

My brother burst into the room with the others behind him. "That's why he left today." He exclaimed. I sighed staring up at Phoebe and she smiled with a shrug sitting up. "I'm grabbing my tie for tomorrow and next thing you know it's on fire in my hands." Josh whined. "You think that's worse? Out of nowhere I started floating into the ceiling." Kalan complained folding his arms.

Everyone stared at Mya and she stared up at us shyly from under her hair that covered her face. "What's your power?" Cooper asked holding her hand. She held her head up and she went invisible. We all were astonished as she reappeared and they stared at my brother.

"You guys are lucky." My brother began. "I lost a month full of notes. I tripped over my back pack and my book went flying from my hands. I tried to catch it but instead it blew up." He frowned. "What can you do babe?" I asked. She shrugged getting up and we stared at her. Suddenly, a blank expression grew on her face and she ran out the door after snapping back into reality.

I stared at my friends and then took off following behind her. My friends came stomping behind me as we caught up to her.

Our eyes widened now at the sight before us. Mr. Sal's shop was up in flames and sounds of peril filled the air of the town. Other Witches from the Academy watched in horror. "We have to go help." I started. My brother stared nervously at me then nodded. I opened a portal and we ran off into it. As we exited out on the other side Mya screamed as a burning body came crawling up to her. We backed away and watched as fire balls went flying from across the street from one store into another.

"What the hell is going on?" Phoebe asked. "I don't know but no one is surviving whatever it is." I replied. The sounds of shattering; breaking glass came from Sal's shop as we ran up to it. "How are we going to put it out?" Mya asked. Kalan punched Josh and he sighed. He backed up a couple of paces then ran inside of the store head on with his hand over his nose.

Suddenly, a fist came out of nowhere and socked me in the face. Phoebe grabbed my arm and I clutched my nose as the figure manifested itself. "Guys back away," Cooper stuttered. Mya grabbed Cooper by the arm as Phoebe and I scampered away. "That's Cassius Clay." Cooper whispered the intensity in his voice.

The fire to Mr. Sal's shop was out and Josh came running out from the inside panting. Josh began to shriek now. The demon that had infiltrated the town the first time had our friend in his clutches. "Let him go." Kalan seethed. "We will be the ones doing the demanding." Cassius grinned. Blood kept spewing from my nose as I clutched it.

Cassius began circling us slowly. "What brave souls you six are." He said. "Heal yourself." The ghostly voice started in my head. A teal colored light illuminated itself in the palm of my hand over my nose and I flinched as my nose reequipped itself in place. The blood disappeared and I stood up now. Phoebe was by my side and so was my brother with Mya by his and Kalan next to Phoebe.

"You're bravery is foolish." Cassius smirked as he settled in front of us. "So is your face." I smiled. My friends giggled and Cassius snarled now. "Cool it dog." My brother pitched in.

Cassius threw his hand out before him and with that gesture a bolt of lightning came right at us. I threw both of my arms in the air and a shield manifested itself stopping the bolt. He straightened up now when he realized what I had just done. "So you are the one Maggie chose." He smiled. I stared him down, intensity in my eyes as a battle was about to break out in the little town found in Cathia, below the ways of the Academy.

Witch Academyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें