Chapter 15

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“Did mom ever tell you how to use the powers?” My brother asked as we followed behind our friends through the dark forestry. “No, she just gave me a warning.” I answered. A hand startled me and I realized it was Phoebe’s. “You okay?” She asked. I nodded and she rested her head on my shoulder as we followed along on the pathway we had now found.

       Mya and Kalan were leading the way. The map was some sort of follow me tool Wizards used when on magical quests. “We’re almost to the cave opening.” Mya whispered glaring back quickly.

       We were heading to the entrance that lead to the Underworld, where everything evil resided; even Hell. “How are we going to get in again?” Cooper asked. “I put an invisible shield around us and we walk right in.” She replied. “Great, sounds so easy.” Josh smiled sarcastically. Phoebe rolled her eyes at him and her head rested in the bridge of my neck.

       “Brace yourselves.” My brother whispered. Mya held her hand out before her and slowly the purplish shield manifested itself over us. I watched as it started from where her hand was extended and traveled over us and landed an inch behind Phoebe and me.

       “Be very quiet.” Kalan whispered as we began walking the path. Cooper placed his hand over his mouth to stop his very deep breaths and Phoebe held her eyes closed gripping my arm as we were now half way to the entrance. The guard was a big Cyclops. He was off to the side fast asleep.

       Suddenly, Josh began to gasp. He was heaving in a whole bunch of air; a sneeze. Cooper swung him around swiftly and smacked his hand onto his face. He sighed with a satisfied smile, but then it came out like a roaring Lion that sent him soaring through the air with a jetpack of fire from his mouth.

       The Cyclops was awoken. “Thanks for blowing our cover jerk.” Mya shouted after him as he landed on top of the cave roof in a thud. “No problem.” He replied. I shook my head. Phoebe stood in a fighting position with a few boulders floating around her. Cooper was ready holding his hands in position to blow something up. I had an energy ball ready in both hands. Kalan had flown into the air. Surprisingly along with his flight he got the power of strength. He held a tree branch in his hand as big as his body and Mya grabbed a dagger in hand.

       The Cyclops stared at us through his one eye and scratched his head then shrugged lying back against the cave wall and fell right back to sleep. Phoebe’s whole body expression fell along with the boulders when she saw the Cyclops fall right back to sleep. “I was really hoping on using my powers on something.” She whined. Cooper frowned nodding in agreement as we continued walking along the path.

       Kalan fetched Josh from on top of the cave roof and had rejoined us in a matter of minutes.

       “All we have to do now is keep going down this way and make it to the holding caverns.” Mya informed us. Josh gulped a whole bottle of water down and burped. A puff of steam came out and he sighed with a big smile feeling relieved. “You’re such a loser.” Phoebe said to him and he shrugged.

       As we headed down the narrow path way the proximity seemed to become more and more compressed. We were on our stomachs crawling one behind the other. Kalan lead the way to make certain paths wider. “We’re coming up to an exit.” He whispered back to us. His words echoed pass me back to where we entered.

       As Phoebe climbed down from the path I poked my head out and saw cages of thousands of Witches from the Academy. Some swayed back and forth slowly and others were still; lifeless. “How are we going to get them all out of here?” Josh asked. “That’s what spells are made for.” Mya sassed rolling her eyes at him.

       Cooper giggled and walked by him shaking his head at Josh. Kalan patted him on the shoulder and chuckled. “Sometimes it’s hard to take even your questions serious.” He informed him. Phoebe held my hand in hers and allowed her thoughts to come pouring into my head. ‘Let’s use that trick we did.’ I smiled allowing our minds to connect and I felt our magic spread throughout the room.

       Suddenly one of the cages squeaked. One of the captives had sensed our magic. “No, these things repel all types of magic.” He said almost shouting. It alerted other Witches and their voices sounded as a crowded cafeteria of students. A loud zap went off and a shockwave came right back at my friends and I sending us flying back in to the wall knocking us unconscious.

        “Wake up Adam!” Josh’s voice yelled. They were all chained to the wall five inches off of the floor. I was chained to a chair in the middle of the room. “Adam whatever you do, don’t use your powers.” Cooper shouted. I groaned forcing my eyes to stay open as I stared at them.

       Phoebe was sobbing uncontrollably. “Babe you have to be strong.” I said. She nodded quickly. I squinted rapidly to get rid of the blurry vision and that’s when the slap went right across my face. Mya screamed and a demon punched her in the stomach. She coughed up blood heaving over; her poor body hanging limp.

       Kalan was still unconscious. They had him chained to a pillar. My arms were burning from me constantly trying to break free. Cassius started talking now. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

       Cameron’s face appeared before me and he punched me. Cassius watched from his throne off to the left. “Untie me and fight me properly.” I managed to say. Blood spewed from my nose and I felt my brain throb in my head. “Please stop this.” Phoebe cried. “We’ll stop when my boss says so.” A demon snarled.

       Cameron laughed and he placed his foot where there was a space from my legs being chained to the chairs legs and he tipped the chair back making me fall backwards, my head breaking the fall. I was out cold.

       My head was spinning as I felt myself drifting into darkness. Suddenly a light appeared and it slowly approached me. “Adam, it’s time to wake up and fight.” My father’s voice echoed in my head. A spark ignited and my eyes opened up to reality. Phoebe was sobbing uncontrollably and the others were being whacked around.

       I felt a surge of power ripple through my body and slowly I was being lifted off of the ground. My body floated in to the air a teal aura forming itself around me. “What are you doing Adam?” Cooper asked over the loud echoic roar that shook the underworld. I extended my hands on both sides of me as my body was in an upright position. The chains had somehow disintegrated.

       Tiny pieces of squared orbs poured into the palms of my hands. Slowly I closed them and opened them again closing my eyes at the same time and when I opened them I was back in the town when Cassius first appeared to us.

       I stared wildly at my friends. They smiled brightly at me and with that Josh began to take big breaths and then he blew one big fireball from his mouth making the demon that held him ash.

       An energy ball appeared in my hand and Cassius stared wide eyed at me. “Are you foolish?” He asked. I shrugged and pelted it at him and he caught it holding it in his hand fascinated at it even being in his presence. Kalan took off into the air and I held my hand in front of me quickly letting out a loud shout and the energy ball exploded in his hands.

       “You ever heard of that which doesn’t belong to you disappears in the wind?” I asked with a smirk. His face flushed and I leaped from my feet and pounced into a portal I opened in front of me and came out on the other side crashing into Cassius falling to the ground. I socked him in the face and he yelped.

       My brother was now off fighting Cameron and Mya and Phoebe were a tag team against the Coven.  

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