Chapter 4

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The next morning I was up in the Chant room as the sun was rising reading up on the triquetra.

       “The Triquetra is a complicated symbol in which three triangles are intertwined. With this shape it connects three beings.”

       “It connects three beings.” I mouthed to myself staring at the shape in the book. “Where do you think he is?” The distant voice asked someone else; it was my brother and obviously my best friend. I put the book of Faith back up and waited on them standing over the mixing table.

       “You’re up early?” Cooper asked. I smiled as he put the book he borrowed on the podium. Phoebe came in holding her head down not meeting my gaze placing the book she borrowed on the table. “About what happened yesterday Adam, I’m sorry for not believing you and…” “It’s ok.” I smiled. She looked up at me shocked; a smile creeping onto her lips.

       “Where’d you get a necklace?” Cooper asked staring at the pendant.

       “I came across it going through some stuff.” I lied. I couldn’t let them know where I had gone last night. I didn’t like to worry them about my personal issues; especially my brother. I’ve never told him how much dad’s death killed me physically, mentally and emotionally.

       Aiden Timothy Bartlet, father of two sons, husband of one wife, lost his fight against leukemia two years ago. It shattered me every time I thought about it; even when people mistook me for him. That antique store guy knew my father and I planned to find out very soon how.

       The snapping of fingers awoke me from my thoughts and I stared my brother in the face as he waved his hand wildly seeking my attention. “Have you tried using that thing again?” He asked. I shook my head knowing exactly what he was talking about. “It’s an invasion of privacy and I don’t plan on using it ever.” I answered him.

       “Why not it could be really important? It might even be a big mystery waiting to be solved.” He said excited. “Cooper, there you go sleuthing again.” Phoebe sang walking around the table putting up the book.

       I giggled and sat down in the couch with a sigh. “Is something wrong Adam?” My brother asked. I felt my palms get sweaty and a shock run up my spine. “I lied about where I got the necklace. I was in town last night and I went to that antique shop and I saw it on the hook and I liked it. The guy kicked me out saying that it’s free of charge because somehow he knows dad.” I blurted out. “Hold your horses Sally.” Phoebe snickered.

       They stood in front of me now. “We were in town too.” Phoebe confessed. “We actually saw you but avoided you, sorry.” She sighed. “We needed some things for our projects.” Cooper began. I stared up at them and began to laugh uncontrollably. Then they joined me all of a sudden; next thing you knew they were sitting on the sides of me trying to catch their breaths from laughing as hard as I was.

       “Cooper, in the book of Faith it says the triquetra stands for three beings, what does that mean?” I asked as we settled down now. “That’s easy. First Ladies powers, First Lady herself and the person she is giving the powers too.” He answered. I was staring at the pendant when Phoebe got up and made her way over to the book of Faith.

       She came over flipping through it hysterically. “I found this to be a very pretty shape and decided to do some research of my own.” She began pulling a chair over sitting in front of us. Cooper sat at the edge of the couch bracing to be thrilled. Phoebe flung her hand over to her back pack and her notebook flew into her hands. She began flipping through it and then stopped on a page where multiple things were written.

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