Chapter 10

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April 26, 1726

When Sal made the Chant room beneath his shop it thrilled the others of the coven. All they needed to do now was to divide their magic up into the orbs set behind Headmaster Councilman Cabot’s bookcase in his office. This storage of power will allow them to drain the magic of other Witches who are in the presences of the beholder…

       There was a knock at the glass door leading into the room I won the night in. It was Phoebe. I made a portal leading into First Ladies Chant room and tossed the book in closing it quickly. She wore short pajama bottoms and a white tank top with her pillow and blanket in hand. I walked over to the door opening it up and locking it behind her as she twirled around taking in the scenery. I pulled down the blinds and grabbed her up from the back.

       “This is fucking awesome!” She grinned. I nodded smiling putting her down making my way over to the snack bar standing behind the counter. I put on the little servers hat and rang the bell on the counter. She turned around alarmed and then giggled. “What would you like?” I asked. She giggled putting her stuff down and making her way over. “I would like a chocolate swirl with rainbow sprinkles.” She cheered.

       I smiled at her and went over to the fridge putting together the snack she asked for. “What do you think of Cooper and Mya?” She began winking rapidly. “Is your eye okay?” I retorted. She gasped and smacked me in the chest with her spoon. “I’m just joking. I think they’re very cute.” I grinned. “Hmm… I think so too.” She smiled. I pulled out a huge glass bowl and started scooping the ice cream in. She grabbed the sprinkles and ate a few handfuls raw.

       I gritted my teeth and she smiled revealing many different pieces of sprinkles stuck throughout her mouth. I burst into fits of laughter and she threw some at me. I gaped at her with a surprised expression and tossed a handful back. “You jerk!” She exclaimed shaking some from her shirt. I stuck my tongue out and she snatched it. “OUCH!” I yelped and she came over checking to see if I was ok. I growled and grabbed her up walking threw a portal and exiting on the other side throwing her on the pull out couch.

       She screamed and hid under the covers. I snapped my fingers and the spoons and bowl of the ice cream and sprinkles appeared in front of her. “Bon apatite Madame Matthews our snack has been served.” I grinned. She clapped hysterically throwing the covers from off of her handing me a spoon.

       I climbed onto the bed and she held a spoonful in front of me. I smiled as I opened up my mouth and she fed me. She leaned forward and kissed me and I pulled her back in for a longer one. She tilted her head now to get a good look at me after. “What is there something on my face?” I asked. She shook her head and began “I just never thought that you were really into me.”

       Her words brought back memories and a voice started in my head, ‘Touch her, share the memory with her.’ I moved the bowl out of the way and shifted myself making us sit face to face, chest to chest. She stared at me confused. I grabbed her left hand and held it against my chest synching our heart beats and then I held her right hand at the side of my face and I felt a splitting headache as I felt memories began to rush through my head.

       She squealed; she was feeling it too.

       “And invasion of privacy would be stealing your night light.” Phoebe started making her way out of my bathroom. She had spent the night because my mom had gone to my father’s parents to break the news. Her long hair landed in the mid-section of her back.

       I was sitting against the headboard of my bed when I noticed her making her way over to me. She sat on my lap slowly undoing the towel she had wrapped around herself. Just as she was just about to reveal her breast I pressed my lips against hers. It caught her off guard and she let go of the towel. Her boobs rubbed against my bare chest and it sent shivers throughout my body.

       My brother’s voice echoed our names now and she hopped off of me running into the closet causing a bunch of my clothes and boxes to fall on top of her. I bit into the covers to hold my laughter in when he burst in. “Dude I’m starving come make me breakfast.” He whined. I waved him off and he rolled his eyes exiting the room. When the door closed the laughter spewed from my mouth like one loud note. Phoebe rushed over and tackled me on the floor with her laughing with me.

       The memory ended and Phoebe pushed me away. “I’m sorry Phoebe.” I apologized grabbing onto her shoulders; looking to gaze into her eyes for assurance. “I’m ok.” She waved me off. I sighed and handed her the bowl of ice cream and spoon and she shoved a serving for two into her mouth. I laughed as she winced at the sudden brain freeze she wasn’t aware of and she kicked me off of the bed.

       I landed into a portal and bounced right back onto the bed. She jumped up startled and whacked me with a pillow. I giggled at her as she topped me now, snapping her fingers dimming the lights. “What’s the occasion?” I asked. “The mood I’m in.” She chuckled. I arched an eyebrow and she smiled brightly leaning in for a kiss when I stopped her.

       “You do remember that day right?” I asked. She nodded with a smile leaning in closer pressing her lips against mines. I ran my hand under her top and grabbed one of her breast. She moaned between kisses snatching both of my hands using them to caress her body. I bit my lip at her and I grabbed her neck switching positions; topping her.

       She pouted at me and I giggled. “What’s wrong now?” I asked. She laughed and shook her head. I stroked her hair behind her ears and moved to the head of pull out couch patting my lap. She came over with a smile and I kissed her on the nose. “I love you Phoebe.” I said. It caught her off guard and she smiled brightly. “I love you too Adam.” She giggled.

       “I feel like the girl nobody notices and then out of the blue she’s going out with the hottest guy in school.” She squealed. “So you admit it, we’re dating?” I asked. “I thought we already established this by our actions?” She asked leaning away from my chest. “Yeah but I just wanted you to admit it somehow.” I replied. “So we could have been messing around like this and you wouldn’t be sure that I was sure that we were together?” She pressed.

       I sighed and held her face in my hands. “That’s not the point babe. We both know we’re together nothing else can top that.” I smiled. She punched me in the chest. “What was that for?” I asked in a grunt. She shrugged lying down under the covers. I pressed my chest to her back and held her close to me.

       “This is all real.” I whispered to her. “I know.” She replied. I kissed her neck and then she snapped her fingers. The lights were completely out and I heard the stuff in the kitchen being put up. “Good night Adam.” She sighed; a smile on her face. I could feel it. I kissed her on the neck and I felt her melt in my grip.

       The next morning I woke up to find our friends sitting around the bed still in their pajamas. Phoebe frowned; her hair all over the place.  Mya handed us all a cup of coffee. “There is nothing better than service with a smile.” She chanted. “That’s a grin babe.” Cooper chuckled. We all stared wide eyed at what he just said and he covered his mouth as he grabbed a cup.

       She blushed setting the tray don after everyone had a cup. “Dresland is going into the City.” Cooper started. “That gives us the advantage we need to search his office.” Kalan smirked. He fist bumped Josh and sipped his coffee. “I was reading First Ladies journal again last night.” I began.

       They all liked when I spoke about her. It was like I was her talking to them and every time they would listen. “There’s a set of orbs that were to be used to drain the powers of other Witches by the welder.” I said. “That’s the messiest thing ever.” Phoebe squealed. “Those are the type of Witches that roam the world no matter what realm.” I assured her, then looking at all of them to see if they understood. They did by the determination I saw on their faces.

       “We have to destroy those things.” Cooper began. “I couldn’t finish the entry because my guest had arrived.” I said winking at Phoebe. She giggled and bumped my shoulder with hers. “Where’s Dresland now?” I asked. “He’s on his way to the City.” Mya smiled. I stared at her for a second and then shouted at all of them. “LET’S GO SEARCH HIS SHIT THEN!”

       They rolled off of the bed in laughter and headed off to their rooms to get ready, then grabbing a quick meal.     

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