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I was finally released from the hospital after they ran some tests and saw that i was okay they wanted to keep me because the bullet bruised my ribs on impact but i didn't want to stay in there any longer because I hate hospitals with a passion. 

[spencer]"lexi you should stay because what if you get worse by coming back today plus you don't know what might happen"

"genius listen to me whats the worst that could happen literally nothing is going to happen"

"something could go wrong and i don't want you to get hurt."

"hey spence look at me you can't get rid of me that easy i'm still standing and no broken bones look i'm fine i promise and if i get tired i'll ask hotch to go home ok"

"ok it's just because i care about you"

"ok how about this i won't ride my bike for a month or until the bruises go away deal"

"but you love your bike"

"yea I love you more"

"you'd really do that for me"

"yea who wouldn't""i thought you were supposed to be a genius"

"i wouldn't say genius."

"oh shut up you're a genius to me"

"but are you a 100% sure that you're okay because i could take the day off and take i care of you"

"spence im ok now lets get going before hotch fires us for being late"

later at the office

me and spencer make it to the bau and we're greated with a stressed out penelope

"whoa whoa pen calm down what happened"

"metro pd swat arrested hotch"

"they did what"

"jj told us she couldn't explain everything shes bring in the kids right now"

"wait they arrested him in front of Jack"


"that has to do an number on him"

"yea but how the hell did they swat him he didn't do anything"

{reid}That's an extreme prank that gamers pull on their opponents, where they fake a 911 call on them. It's recently escalated among celebrities. 

{pen}If it was a prank, they wouldn't have arrested him.

"swat has to respond if he's perceived as a threat.""so there would be a call"

"and there would be a record of that on it"

"thanks pen" i said walking into one of the spare offices

After a while jj comes in with the kids and henry comes running to me and spencer

"hi uncle spencer aunt Alex"

[reid]"hey henry have you been working on that magic trick i taught you"

"hey jack how are you holding up" i say while crouching down to him

"can i just go to my dad's office"

"um yea yea of course come on"

{jj}come here jack and henry jj says while she leads them to hotch's office

after a while jj comes back

"how much did they see jj"

"all of it. Which is why i thought this was the safest place to bring them"

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