"i saw bella"

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This morning JJ came over and visited spencer and once they were done talking visiting hours were over to i had to find out everything from spence and he told me JJ was going to come and visit me tomorrow. After visiting hours I had to go do laundry and don't know what the hell spence is doing because his laundry shift was before jj came to visit. I started laundry at 7 and i was almost done at 8 and then guess who comes up to me Milos and his gang

[Milos] so what is a pretty thing like you doing here

[alex] fuck off i say while turning my back to him

[Milos] you might want to treat me with some respect or your little white guy is gonna get it

[alex] what the hell do you want

{milos] you got any coke

[alex] no i don't do Cocaine 

[Milos] well you do now he says then grabbing my hair and pulling it back so i could face him

[inmate 1] listen to him or this is going to go south real fast

[Milos] Listen here you little bitch you're going to get my shipments and make sure it's safe or else your friend's cell is going to get searched and maybe just maybe he might have something that's going to get him in trouble

[alex] son of a- yea whatever i'll get your shipment

[Milos] good because i need you to test out my new shipment because i don't trust the person who got it for me he says while laying out two lines of coke

He then pushes my head down near the lines of coke so i could sniff it. Ah don't you fucking hate it here. I plug one side of my nose by pressing on the side of my nose and I sniff the lines and then i pick my head up and put my hair back up while milos looks at me just smiling

[milos] looks like it is a good batch i'll see you later perra

After he leaves i start to make my way back to my cell feeling the effects of the coke and my head starts pounding to be honest it's a miracle i made it to my cell and then a guard turns off the lights and says 

"lights out inmates" and with that i lay down on the bed and i pass out feeling really out of it. The next morning i wake up and everyone in the block starts to line up and i can barely see in front of me and then a guard picks me out and tells me i have a visiter and leads me to a visitation booth and I don't recognize but how wavy her long blonde hair is reminds me of bella


"What Alex it's jj"

my vision starts to blur and I start to think back to when bella went missing

"bella i'm so sorry i never meant for you to get hurt" "i should have been taken care of you" "it should have been me i'm so sorry" "i'm so sorry please forgive me bella" and then i feel someones arms wrap around me and start to drag me away

"no bella" "BELLA" "im so sorry BELLA" "let me go you son of a bitch"

jj pov

I went to visit Alex and when the guard brought her over she looked out of it her hair was a mess and the tip of her nose was red and her eyes were bloodshot and underneath her eyes were red and she had dark circles as if she got no sleep. She start to call me bella and started to go on about how it should have been her and she started crying and yelling and a guard came over and took her away. It was like she was on something. This is bad like really bad. i decided to call Rossi because he might know something

[rossi]"hey jj its me and prentiss"

"is anyone else there"

[Emily]"no why"

"it's alex"

[rossi]"what about Alex is something wrong"

"yea i went to visit her today and she was completely out of it. Her hair was a mess and her nose was red, her eyes were bloodshot, underneath her eyes were red and she had dark circles and kept rambling on about a bella and she thought i was bella and she kept saying sorry and she started crying and screaming it was like she was on something. We gotta get spencer and her out of there"

[rossi]cazzo i think she's using again but i don't think she wants to not after last time(btw the last time he knows about her using oxy is back when she was in highschool)

[prentiss] what happened last time

[rossi] dont tell her i told you because she would kill me but when she was in highschool she got addicted to Oxycodone and she almost overdosed

"then we have to find some way to get both of them out and quick"

Alex pov

The guard leads me back to my cell, opens the door and pushes me in

"yea fuck you too" i say flipping him off

After the guard leaves i hear a soft voice come from the cell next to me

"Lexi what happened"

"spence i saw bella and i tried to tell her how sorry i was but the son of bitch took me away and i- she'll never know how sorry i am. It should have been me not her she had her whole life ahead of her. I should have taken better care of her."

"Lexi what do you mean you saw bella"

"i mean that she came to visit me"

"Lexi what are you on"

"coke i think"

"Lexi what were you thinking"

"i didn't want to take it they were threaten to hurt you"

"so what Lexi i was beaten up all throughout high school i was a child prodigy im used to it"

"you shouldn't have to be. I don't like seeing you get hurt spencer"


[guard]"lights out inmates

"i'll talk to you tomorrow spence"

I'm woken up by Milos pulling me out of bed and hitting me head against the wall then letting me go which makes me drop the ground and he kicks me repeatedly in the ribs and it starts to remind me of when my step-dad would get drunk with his buddies and beat me and then Milos left me there on the floor with probably broken ribs and a sort of bloody white tank top and i'm too tired to get up and go back to my bed. So i just lay there in hoping they didn't do the same thing to spence but that's long gone when i hear him yell help.

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