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 A week and a half later btw this is season 12 episode 13 

Alex Rossi pov

I don't know how we got her but somehow me and reid ended up in mexico and we were following a light blue truck with the cops behind us while i'm sticking my head out of the window and licking my blood off my hand and screaming "whats up motherfuckers!" and next thing I know me and spencer are being taken into police custody in mexico and then a police officer comes up to me and spencer in the cell we're being held in

{officer} You two are American

{spencer} yea

{officer} where are your papers,passport, identification

{Alex} um i-i don't know

{officer} what happened to your hand he says directing it towards me and spencer and then we both look at our hands that we didn't even realized were injured.

{spencer} i dont remember


{officer} that seems like something you would remember

{alex} I should call my dad

{officer} you don't get phone calls here that's what surprises Americans but if you two can explain why there were narcotics in your car maybe i could help you notify someone

{alex} narcotics when the hell did we have narcotics

{officer} you don't remember that do you. What were you too doing way out there

{Alex} i uh think we were meeting someone

{spencer} i'm sorry we're not usually like this

{officer} yea heroin will do that to ya

{alex} i think you have us mistaken we don't use drugs

{officer}" yea you guys just run them"

{alex}"what-what are you talking about"

{officer} what are you two doing in mexico

{Alex} we were just trying to get medicine for my mom and his mom

{officer} are your moms here in mexico

{alex} no just me and him 

{spencer} yea um we were meeting rosa who is a doctor. so we should find her

{officer} rosa who were does she live

{alex} i- i don't know i dont remember

That's when another officer comes over and gives him two bags with something in it and he looks at it confused

{officer} you aren't just American your Dr.Spencer Reid and SSA Alexia Rossi with the FBI he says while showing us our badges in evidence bags

{alex} fuck

{officer} i'm going to run some tests to see what you're on

{spencer}thank you

{alex] yea that'll be helpful

{officer}yea but we're having a hard time trying to find this doctor rosa do you guys not remember where you met her or her last name

{alex} "no sorry i told you all i know"

[spencer}i'm trying to remember

{officer} when my officers were chasing you, you were headed towards the boarder i assume you were planning on crossing

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