"cazzo am I that high"

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The next morning the guards come and wake us up to line up and since i didn't change my tank top last night i have dried blood on it so once i lined up the guard look at my tank top and then looked at me obviously wanting an explanation.

"I broke my ribs thats why theres blood on my shirt"

"head over to the nurse rossi"

"got it" i say while passing spence while going to the nurse and giving him a half-hearted smile to assure him i'm okay. once i get to the nurse's office no one was there so i decided to clean my cuts myself and i wrapped my rip cage like i used to do back in highschool and once i'm done a guard comes up to me and tells me someone's here to visit me. So i make my way over to the visitation booth 

"you don't know how happy i am to see you right now pen"

"omg Alex i missed you it's really you. wait is that blood on your shirt"

"uh yea"

"what-what happened"

"Broken ribs but i don't want to talk about that now. So how are you and sergeo doing and do you have any pictures of him you know i love that cat."

"i'm doing okay but i would be better if you and spencer were back home with us"

"I know pen we'll get out here soon but how's my mom doing"

"she's doing fine but we had to tell her you were in jail but she forgot the next day but me and jj visit her everyday she really loves sergeo too"

" ok could you just make sure she doesn't forget me."

"i don't think she could forget you she talks about you all the time"

"could you also tell jj i'm sorry about yesterday i wasn't really myself."

"yea i wanted to ask you what happened"

"Milos and his gang made me do coke or else they were gonna hurt spence but they hurt him anyways"

"was Milos the one who gave you broken ribs"

I start to hear people coming and i can hear the sound of Milos's laughter 

"pen could you leave now i don't want them to harrass you. I'll call you using the phone here ok I love you pen and tell dad to visit me sometime thanks" i say getting up but i was too late because Milos and his gang already made their way over here

[milos] ooo is this your girlfriend. i wouldn't have assumed you were the type of person to go for the colorful ones. he says getting closer to pen

"first of all back off with you and your toxic masculinity and second of all she's my friend and leave her the fuck alone got it"

[milos]oo feisty you weren't that feisty on the floor of your cell the other day when i was beating the crap out of you

[pen]is this the guy who broke your ribs

"pen just go please"

[milos]what you don't want your friend to see me beat you up again

Thats when i saw a switchblade in his front pocket so i quickly reached for it and grabbed his hand and stabbed myself in the arm and pen called over the guard

[guard]what the hell happened here

[pen] this guy of here just came out of no where and stabbed my friend in the arm

thank you penelope for catching on

[milos]what i- no she's crazy she stabbed herself

[alex] milos you didn't have to stab me whats wrong with you i thought we were friends

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