damn homicidal maniac anyways can we get mcdonalds

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I don't know how long i was out but by the time i woke up it was night already because i could feel someone carrying me and another person latching something onto my wrist and to be honest i would try to get out but my head hurts to much to even think of a way to get out. Once they left the room i started to look around and saw that the walls and doors were metal and there were no windows and the chains that they put around my wrist attached to the ceiling  but they lowered it enough for me to be on my knees. A few minutes later they came in with a camera,laptop,a gun and a knife.

[random guy] ooo look she's up

[Alex] you guys are some sick fuckers you're really gonna record this

[brandon]i thought she was smarter than this

[random guy] nah it's that one guy what's his name.... oh yeah spencer reid

[Alex]your going to have to kill me before you kill him and believe me i'm practically immortal

[random guy] well that's too bad because he's gonna watch us kill you

[alex] oh so i should be scared ok lemme get into character AHHH don't kill me im so scared

[brandon] she's fucking crazy

[alex]oh my god this is so funny 

[random guy] you might not be scared for your life but whos gonna protect your little genius once you're dead

[Alex] here we go again with the empty threats

he sets the camera down and walks over to me with a knife in his hand and holds is up to my neck

[Random guy]Alex say hi garcia

[Alex] hey garcia don't worry about his bitch ass he's such a wimp he don't do shit

[random guy] you won't be saying that once i'm through with you. oh wait you won't be saying anything because you'll be in hell with your little bella

[Alex]don't talk about her like that

[random guy] ooo i guess i touched a nerve. hm i would what bella thinks of you know i mean she probably blames you i guess we'll have to call her in to see

[Alex]what do you call her in you sick fuck

[random guy] bring her in


[random guy] it's been a while since i last saw you but you my darling there are no words to describe your beauty

[Alex] what do you mean since you last saw me who the hell are you

[random guy]do you really not remember me Alexia

[alex] no i just guess you weren't that memorable

[random guy] you bitch you'll pay for that once he says that he pulls a lighter out of his pocket and heats up the knife and comes over to me and he starts to engrave something under the right side of my chest

[Alex]damn that was my good side did you really have to do that

he gaze then shifts over to my eyes then my lips then down my chest watching it rise and fall with every breath and then his hand goes over to my back,down to my ass and then up to my bra and right as he's about to unclip it brandon comes into the room with a girl looks about 15 

[random guy]we'll continue this later Alexia

i look at the girl feeling sorry for her and once i get a good look at her eyes look identical to bella as if they're the same person

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