"what the hell not this shit again."

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A/N:this is gonna be a week time jump from the last chapter but this chapter and probably the next one is gonna be over the course of two days i hope you guys like it. i've been planning these two chapters for like a month so i hope you all like them. Anyways i'm gonna let you read the chapter and i would also like to know what you guys want me to write and what you want me to change or add in. I would like to hear some feedback about how to make my fanfic better. BTW if you want to talk,vent, have a new friend,tbh anything my dms are always open

I also want to say before this chapter Alex's friend brandon called her saying someone saw her mom with a man with the same description the nurse from the clinic gave. so she went to new york in hopes of finding her mom

Alex pov


I woke up from a gunshot coming from 2 houses over so me being me decided to grab my gun and head over there

[Alex]Mr and Mrs.Collins are you guys okay


I creep over to where the sound came from and i can see Leah Collins the daughter or Mr and Mrs collins just bleeding out on the floor so without thinking i take off my tank top to stop the bleeding and i can hear police sirens in the distance and once they get here i start screaming


Leah looks into my eyes as if she's trying to grasp onto a lifeforce around her 

[Alex] you'll be fine i promise i won't fail you just stay awake

That when i can see the life fading away from her eyes and the twinkle of life that was once there is just filled with emptiness and i'm so focused on leah that i barely notice an officer putting me in cuffs

"what the hell not this shit again."

[officer]you are under arrest for a series of murders/home invasion

"this is a mistake check my back pocket call brandon for gods sakes"

once we get outside the house i can see a bunch of reporters

[reporter 1] how'd you do it how'd you kill 4 families without going unnoticed until now

[reporter 2] is it true that your an fbi agent

[reporter 3] is it true that all these people we're your neighbors and you killed them in cold blood and filmed it and sent it to a news station

Once we get to the squad car they stuff me in and take me to the precinct and stuff me into one of the intergiation rooms

Spencer pov

it was a slow and boring day at the bau without Alex until someone turned on the tv

[newscaster] There has been a string of murders/home invasions in new york and an unknown source sent us this video so lets take a look

and then the screen turns to a video of someone breaking into a home and going to the parents room and shooting the mother and father 3 times before he kills them and then going to the kids room and shooting them once through the head then he turns off the video

[newscaster] if you look at the time stamp you can see this happened yesterday at 6:38 am

the news caster then clicks on her earpiece and says

[newcaster] we just got news of a suspect being held in custody lets roll the clip

It's a video of Alex being handcuffed and taken out of a house and she's all bloody and dressed in leggings and a bra


with that they both run out frantically

[emily]what whats wrong

[spencer] we got a problem look i say pointing at the tv

[rossi] get the team we're going to new york

Alex pov

After 30 minutes Brandon comes inside with a box with my name on the side

"are you serious brandon you're using the trick that the bau invented the big box with my name on the side how original"

 [brandon] it's officer to you you lost the privilege to call me brandon the moment you killed 5 families in their own home 

"you think i did this your fucking insane"

[Brandon]all the evidence points against you

"what evidence"

[brandon] i can't tell you that

"can i at least get a towel"


"well can i make a phone call"

[brandon]yea here he says handing my phone

i dial in spencers number and i listen to it ring until i hear his calming voice

[spencer]Hello this is dr.spencer reid

"spence thank god i need your help"

[spencer] yea i know we're on our way right now

"what do you mean we're"

[garcia,emily,rossi,tara,luke,matt,jj] Hey Alex

"you don't know how glad i am to hear your voices"

[emily]we're gonna get you out of there

"i didn't do it you guys got to believe me i was -"

[emily] am i on speaker


[emily] is anyone else in the room with you


[emily]don't say anything else and don't tell him anything got it

"got it just hurry up and get here" with that i hung up the phone

[brandon] you know i used to have a thing for you he says while eyeing me up and down and his eyes lingering too long on my chest so then i put my arms over my chest waiting for emily to show up but then 20 minutes later brandon comes in with another guy and puts a knife to my throat

"this is not how i wanted to spend today"

[random dude] if you come with me i'll let your mom go

"yea yea whatever lets go"

they lead me out of the backdoor and opened the back of the van to reveal my mother


[charlotte/Alex's mom] who are you

[Alex]Brandon you're supposed to be one of the good guys

[brandon] oh i am i just need to get some payback he says while dragging a knife across my chest

[random guy] don't touch her not yet not here he says trying to push me into the van

[alex] hey dumbass did you forget something

[random guy]whatever let her out

with that they hit me over the head with something which was expected and the only reason i came is because i need to make sure my mom gets away safely so it's a good thing i never gave my phone back to brandon that dumbass

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