"the gang is back bitches"

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It's been two longs weeks of trying to find my mom and getting beat by my step-dad and to be honest it reminds me of when bella went missing but instead of bella it's my mom now. 

[luke] get in here and get me a beer

I go over to the fridge thats just filled with beer and nothing else and i make my way over to the couch trying not to step on the broken glass. After a few minutes he's fast asleep and i decide to take this as an opportunity to call spence and once i picked up my phone it started to ring and i tried to turn it down but he woke up

[luke]charlotte is that?

[Alex] no it's Alex and what do you know about mom

Thats when he came up to me and he looked completely out of it

[luke]Charlotte i missed you so much.  i hate how Alexia put you in that clinic. God you don't know how badly i want to rip those clothes off of you he said getting closer which caused my to back up into the kitchen counter

[Alex] please stop i'm not mom im Alex

[Luke] shut up

TW:RAPE i will put the scene in bold so you can skip it

Once he got close to me he grabbed my wrists hard and dragged me to the bed room and through me onto the bed and I didnt even get a chance to get up before he started to kiss me and take my clothes off he kept grinding up against me and then he managed to flip me over and take his clothes of he started to thrust inside me while i was just laying there crying and feeling dirty.

once he leaves i go to the bathroom and get into the shower trying to scrub any evidence of him off but i keep scrubbing and scrubbing until i start bleeding but there's no use because i still feel dirty like he's still there. After about 20 minutes i get out of the shower to find that he's no where in the house so i grab my phone and check and turns out garcia texted and that i need to come back to quantico because the team is working on something and to be honest even if it wasn't an emergency i would go back just to get out of here. So i did what any logical person would do buy a ticket to quantico and meat garcia at the address she gave me. So after an hour and 30 minute flight and a cab ride to the address i finally made it to an apartment complex and went up to the apartment number and heard the oh so familiar voices of the team and i heard them talking about a Kevin peck and me being a dramatic bitch opened the door out of nowhere and said

"did you guys really think you could leave me out the crime fighting action"

{spencer]Alex? what are you doing here we didnt want to call you cause of your mom

[Garcia] guilty

[Alex] it's fine i needed a distraction so get me all caught up to speed

[Emily] we figured out that our unsub is kevin peck garcia is sending us his information right now

[Alex] alright hand me a vest and lets go

[luke]glad to have you back

[Alex] good to be back with that we all go running to an Suv and i rode shotgun with luke and spence. Once we get to the hotel that kevin peck's in we go running to the room and we find him laying there next to tracy and we find out that he drugged her and we call a medic up and once kevin's cuffed and tracy's in an ambulance we go outside and we're met with the senator

[senator] Thank you for saving my daughter's life

[Emily] it's what we do sir

[senator] i understand this is the work of the bauLook, I know there's been talk about shutting down your unit, spreading profilers out into the field offices. 

[barnes]That's just one option to increase efficiency.

[senator] I think that's a mistake. When I return to the senate, I will personally ensure that the BAU is funded and staffed to full capacity. But in the meantime, don't you think Agent Prentiss should be reinstated as unit chief? 

[barnes]Consider it done. 

[emily]Senator, does this mean that I have hiring authority? 

[senator]Within reason. 

[emily]I'm only asking because Assistant director Barnes terminated Agent Jareau when she asked questions about the Tracy Ferguson case. That was the case that allowed us to identify this unsub.she also fired agent alex when she stood up to her

[senator] You have full authority.

[emily]thank you sir

[senator] no thank you and barnes i want to see you first thing in the morning in my office

once he leaves i say

[Alex] The gang is back bitches

spencer reid pov

Alex and I ride in one car while the rest go together and once we get inside she just looks at me smiling and i return the favor

[Alex] i guess you don't have to teach full time anymore

[Spence] i guess so and since we're back on the team do you want the team to work on finding your mom

[Alex] i guess so but i don't want you guys to spend all your time on it because i'm working on it plus i got nypd working on it by the way could you turn up the ac it's kinda hot she says while taking off her leather jacket and vest leaving her in a black tank up

Once i turn up the AC and we get to a stoplight i get a good look at her and i can see bruises littering her skin up and down her arms and collar bone and the most prominent one are hand marks around her wrists and the back of her neck. I can also see cuts on her arm as if she scratched her arms to the point that she started bleeding

[spence]Alex i say sympathetically 


[spence] what happened i say look at her arms and neck which causes her to look down at her arms 

[Alex]I don't want to talk about that right now and could you not tell the team i don't want them to worry

[spence]alright but you know you can talk to me right

[Alex] i know i'm just not ready but until then you want to make chocolate chip cookies

[spence] is that even a question

[Alex] this is why you're my favorite person

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