"spencer do you want that date tonight or not"

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1 1/2 weeks later

spencer stopped by my apartment everyday after work and he would stay over and leave in the morning for work and i finally convinced Emily to let me come back and we had a case in La and we all gathered at the round table

{garcia} over the course of the past 3 days there have been 3 bodies all three of them have been strangled with their headphones and they were all on a walk listening to music she said as she pulls up the pictures

"so the unsub didn't have a weapon and strangled them with their own headphones and placed it back into their ears"

[luke] looks like it

"now this is why i use airpods"

[spencer]"actually they could cause cancer because of the radiation"

"well i'll take my chances."

[Emily]"They're expecting us to wheels up in 10 and garcia you're coming with us"

we all got our go bags and met on the tarmac. 

"hey garcia could you check if in the past few days if the 3 victims crossed paths"

"already checked and nothing" 

{rossi] something about this case feels off

"yea like how the victims are strangled it's like the unsub wants to feel them drift away but the placement of body makes it looked like the unsub cared for them"

[Emily] you're right and if that's true the unsub is going to quickly devolve so we have to hit the ground running so i want you guys to rest a bit before we get there.

Spencer and I went to the other side of the jet 

[spencer] why do you think the unsub decided to kill them

"i don't know they all look different one has red hair and green eyes while one is blonde and has blue eyes and the latest victim has brown hair and brown eyes"

[spencer] the victimology is all over the place but the unsub always sticks to the same killing method

we soon landed and the police station gave us a room to work in

a day later

"it's been a day and we still haven't made any progress"

[spencer]" calm down we'll figure something out"

after a while spencer left the room to get coffee and while i was thinking i began to hum the song sweater weather since it's been stuck in my head 

[garcia]"Alex what song are you humming"

"sweater weather why"

[garcia]"by the neighborhood"


[garcia]"that's the same song the was playing in loop when the victims were found"

"oh my god garcia you're a mad genius."

[garcia]"i am? well i know i am but could you tell me why"

"i need you to see if all three of the victims attend The neighborhood concert that happened her last week"


"now go on their socials and tell me if they met someone there"

[garcia]"Yea they met a Samantha Anderson"

"send the team her address and i'm gonna see if i can get there and i'll call you and patch them in"

i got into the suv and called garcia

"garcia did you patch them in"

"yeah you can talk now"

"the unsub targeted the victims because they're bisexual i know this because um hello me and they all went to the neighborhood concert and the victims were found with the song sweater weather playing which is literally the bi anthem and Samantha Anderson if you go on her instagram her family is against being anything but straight and she went the concert too and she killed them because she envied how they can be able to live their life without restriction and she's also influenced by her family and she's struggling to express herself to them so the pressure made her snap"

[tara] and you got that from a song

"hey you'll see that i'm not wrong anyways i gotta go" i say and ending the call as i approached the house i looked around the car for my vest them i realized i forgot to get one 

i went towards the door and once i put my hand on the handle it opened and i could hear screaming coming from the basement and once i went down i saw a girl tied to a chair but i couldn't see samantha and the girl looked at me wide eyed and she was about to say something and them i was hit over the head with something and i think i woke up 5 minutes later because i woke up and i tied to a chair next to the girl but samantha was no where to be seen

"hey where'd she go" i said feeling a sharp pain near my ribs

"upstairs" she said with a whimper

"what's you name"


"no way my names Alexia my friends call me Alex tho"

"cool" she says sniffling

"hey you're gonna be okay i'm gonna get you out of here and what the hell did she do to me while i was out"

"she tied up and hit you with a baseball bat"

"well that's gonna bruise" i say with a laugh

i then try to get free and i mange to get my hand out and i freed myself and i went over to the girl and freed her

"do you know where she put my gun"

"damn that was my favorite one anyways stay behind me at all times"


i then take the gun from my boot and start walking

"how many guns do you have on you?"

"i usually have two on me but sometimes 3 when i'm wearing a suit. one on my hip one in my boot and the inside pocket of the jacket."

"that's cool"

"yea but now i need you to be quiet so she doesn't hear us"

i then go around back where i can hear her screaming and she's pointing the gun at spencer about to shoot it and i don't hesitate to shoot her in the leg causing her to fall and drop the gun we then call for a medic and they take samantha and then another medic cares for Alexandria

spencer then comes up to me and hands me the gun Samantha took from me

[spencer]"thanks you"

"for what"

"you saved me back there"

"it was nothing you would do the same for me i mean you did"

"yea and i think you might want to get that checked out he say pointing to my head"

i then reach my hand up to my head and feel blood

"nah i'd rather stay like this i look cool" i say joking

"i wanted to ask what happened before we came "

"well she hit me over the head, tied me up and hit me with a baseball bat"

"she did what?"

"it's nothing really"

"Alex it's not-"

"spencer do you want that date tonight or not"


"that's what i thought"

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