Untitled Part 20 - Author's Note

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Congratulations, you've made it halfway through the book!

As I previously mentioned in my beginning note and in the profile for the book, this story is heavily based off of what you guys want -- including who Jisung ends up with at the end which greatly impacts the direction that the story goes in.

A clarifying note: from here on out, it's going to go more in-depth with the supernatural aspects of the story and how each tenant in the House on Mass. Avenue ties into the overarching mysteries of the House. It will especially be going into more detail of Jisung's relationships with the characters now that - after this- his romantic interest will be determined.

So here's for the vote. Comment on who you want Jisung to end up with:








Jisung is a strong independent boy who doesn't need a man


Comment here for various possibilities of things to include in the upcoming chapters!


Thank you so much for reading this far and I hope you'll continue to read as the story progresses!

From here I'll be taking a 2-3 week break in order to give you all time to read (and/or re-read) and comment before I make the decision, and it will also give me some time to plan out the remaining chapters.

Thank you so much! See you in 2-3 weeks :)


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