Untitled Part 14

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Jisung sat on a wicker couch on the porch of the house, a large knit blanket thrown over as much of his body as it could while still allowing for him to hold the rare cup of coffee that he indulged himself in.

He shivered slightly at the wind chill, the fall weather all but gone as the sea winds brought in the cold winter. The cold caressed Jisung's exposed hands and face, slithering around his neck before dashing off to some other unknown destination. It was early too, and there was that distinct early morning smell in the air.

The young author rubbed at his eyes tiredly, brushing away some of the lingering crusts that remained from the sleep he had gotten the previous night. He smiled as he remembered the cheerful day he had spent with Jeno yesterday, it was nice to have gotten out with the older like that. Riding bikes; enjoying coffee.

A sharp pain went through Jisung's head and he pressed his palm against his eyes. He had woken up with the worse headache, and he was feeling a bit nauseous -- one of the reasons he had come out for some fresh air.

There was also that strange feeling lingering in the back of his mind, as if he had forgotten something. Jisung was sure he had had some strange dream, and he eventually decided that that lingering nuisance poking at the back of his mind for him to remember something had been just that. A strange, forgotten dream.

Jisung's trembling fingers brought the warm mug up to his lips, taking a long and careful sip of the coffee. He had surprisingly made it himself, the time a bit too early for Jaemin to be awake and making breakfast. Jisung's eyes squinted and he shifted the blanket so that it wrapped around him more securely.

The soft crash and slosh of the waves was therapeutic. The sun was just rising and giving start to the new day, the rays of light reflecting off of the shifting blue waves. A buoy drifted up and down in the distant, a lone marker in miles of nothing. Jisung smiled and closed his eyes, at this moment more than happy that he had chosen to come here despite the weird happenings.

The skid of a needle hitting a record sounded from behind him, the noise emitting through the open window to his left. He turned his head to the direction of the front door just as the first notes of some classical music danced through the air, mixing together with the icy blue cold.

A head of curly black hair poked out of the doorway, followed almost immediately by one of the house residents clad in all black. Chenle smiled easily, shivering slightly as the cold air brush affectionately over his bare arms, the loose t-shirt shifting around the boy's lean torso. Jisung smiled.

"Morning Chenle," he said softly, enjoying how the classical music added to the peaceful ambiance of his morning by the beach. Chenle wandered over and motioned for Jisung's legs to move off of the couch so he could sit. Moments of shuffling and soon Chenle's side was pressed against Jisung's, the two bundled together under the warm confines of the knit blanket.

"Morning Jisung," Chenle said softly, his voice heavy with the lingering grasps of sleep. Jisung looked over the boy's new hair color.

"I like the hair, it suits you," Jisung smiled softly at the older and Chenle smiled gratefully, his eyes closing as the ebbing tides of sleep pulled him back. "Makes you look older, not like a watermelon."

Chenle let out a snort, opening his eyes ever so slightly to shot Jisung a glare. "Uh huh, should I ask how your date with Jeno was now or later? Mr. Loverboy."

Jisung felt his ears burn with embarrassment and he shook his head, tucking his chin down towards his chest as he cradled his coffee cup closer to his chest. "s' not like that." he mumbled and scrunched his nose as Chenle laughed, a bit freer this time.

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