Untitled Part 10

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Jisung closed his eyes and curled into a ball, hugging his legs to his chest and effectively trapping his notebook and pencil between his chest and thighs. The hood of his green hoodie was comfortably pulled over his head and his glasses rested precariously on the edge of his nose. A bit crookedly too. 

He had a headache, and reasoned that he probably hadn't drunken enough water yet. He pouted, tightening his closed eyes as his temples ached and throbbed painfully. Thankfully, it was cloudy and Jisung didn't have the sun beating down on his face. Instead, there was a slight breeze and a twinkling of wind chimes. Jisung realized, as he cracked his eyes open a little bit, that the side windows of the larger bay window were open.

The air smelled of salt. 

He closed his eyes again, his head pained, and ran through the remaining details of his last character. Not having come to a decisive decision on anything about the character, Jisung had decided to leave them a mystery in gender and sexuality, as well as give them a more androgynous look. Still, he had no idea for a name.

"Jisung?" a small whisper came, as if to see if he was awake or not, and Jisung opened his eyes, turning his head to see Donghyuck resting against the wall by the large entrance way of the parlor. "Oh, sorry if I woke you." 

"No, it's okay," Jisung said quietly, squinting as if that could help dispel his headache, "I wasn't sleeping, just closing my eyes." 

"You look comfortable," Donghyuck commented, sitting across from Jisung on the green couch and gave a pointed look at his sweatpants and green hoodie. Jisung nodded, looking at the tacky writing on the side of his sweatpants. They read 'Cape Cod' and he had gotten them a couple of days ago when he and Chenle went back into town again, solely because Jisung had wanted some touristy clothes. 

"Yeah," Jisung said, still keeping his voice at a whisper and Donghyuck frowned, definitely picking up on his small tone and quiet volume. 

"Headache?" Donghyuck prompted and Jisung nodded.

"Is it that obvious?" Jisung grumbled and Donghyuck laughed, although it was a quiet laugh, the older already adjusting his volume so as to not cause Jisung anymore pain. "I don't think I drank enough water." 

"I get headaches a lot," Donghyuck started, curling up to the couch just as Jisung was, "Jaemin usually gives me some kind of herbal tea, I don't know what's in it though," he frowned and got up from his spot, motioning for Jisung to follow him. "Here we can go to the kitchen and I can see if he's got some pre-made packets." 

Jisung groaned in protest, placing his notebook on the couch and holding his hands out, Donghyuck laughing as he grabbed Jisung's hands and pulled him to his feet. Walking to the kitchen, Jisung stood pouting in the doorway, leaning against the frame as he watched Donghyuck walk towards the cupboards. 

Walking further into the kitchen, Jisung moved to pull one of the stools back. At the sound of the wood scraping against the floor, Donghyuck whipped around, his face rigid and eyes wide in a sort of panic. "JISUNG STOP!" 

Jisung froze, startled, his heart beating furiously in his chest at the loud yell and the look at Donghyuck's face. Images of the night of the basement flashed through his head and Jisung took his hand off of the stool and stepped back. Donghyuck walked around the counter and pushed the stool back in. 

Then he turned back around, taking a step towards Jisung with a set jaw and a hint of panic in his eyes. "God Jisung we gave you the list of rules for a reason. Rule 10 Jisung, what is it?" 

Rule #10: Do not sit at the kitchen counter if it's not breakfast time.

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