Untitled Part 13

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I heard them again...the crashes. This time the knocks followed. I remember so clearly the horror I felt after the knocks against my door began, and continued for the next hour. They're happening more often and almost every night. Even as I'm writing this I fear that my life might be in danger. There's something about this house...there's something about the people living in it. Especially...I'd rather not write their name for the consequences if he somehow reads this. But there's something off putting about him. Something.

I think my days here are limited.

- [re]r[dacted]


The gentle click of a plate on the marble counter scared Jisung out of his thoughts, his hands trembling and his body flinching in surprise. He turned his gaze to meet Jaemin's concerned gaze, a plate with an omelet on it sitting in front of him. Jaemin's fingers curled around the edge of one of the chairs, pulling it over to sit right next to Jisung.

The boy's hand rested upon the counter near him, Jisung's heart beating wildly from his frayed nerves. "Jisung, what happened?" Jaemin pried carefully, his words soft. Jisung's eyes flickered to the necklace Jaemin was wearing as it swayed back and forth from the pink-haired boy's movements. It was black in some light, but then shifting to dark and light greens as the light hit it in different angles. It was a small crystal, or stone. Whatever it was it was pretty.

"Uh," Jisung's voice cracked and he flushed, his ears burning as he licked his lips, "Just some...uh I didn't get good sleep."

Jaemin snorted before leaning back, looking Jisung up and down. "Try again."

Jisung let out a longer sigh, glancing up at the close with fiddling nervously with his fingers. He didn't exactly remember what happened at the end of that whole ordeal. He remembered the uneasy from the quietness of the house; talking with Chenle; walking up to the knocking; and then somewhere in there, he passed out. Which meant that he had no idea what was doing that and...and what if it had come in the room after he passed out?

The young author shivered at the thought and he turned his head to look at Jaemin who was patiently waiting for him to answer. "I heard knocking at my door last night. Between 2 and 3."

Jaemin's facial features hardened, his eyes looking over Jisung's skittish demeanor. Then he let out a soft sigh, sending Jisung a soft smile before reaching out and pushing Jisung's plate closer to him. "I'm sure that was scary. Eat up, it'll make you feel better."

"Thanks Jae," Jisung returned the smile and Jaemin send him a wink, the two laughing as Jaemin stood up to turn off the stove. Everyone else was doing what they were doing. Jisung had bid Chenle goodbye earlier, Renjun and Jeno he assumed were at work, and he was sure Donghyuck and Mark were in their rooms.

His thoughts were proven wrong about halfway through his omelet when Jeno sauntered into the kitchen. A bright red hoodie was thrown over the boy's torso which was paired with a set of black basketball shorts. The younger ruffled his fluffy black hair, his glasses sliding down his nose as he smiled at Jisung.

"Hey Sung," Jeno chortled happily, taking the free seat next to Jisung.

"Hey Jeno," Jisung smiled, cheeks full of omelet so they puffed out a bit in a cute manner. Jeno laughed at the cute expression and then Jisung frowned at the question that popped into mind, "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"Day off," Jeno explained in a curt but not unkind manner, giving Jaemin a grateful smile as the boy placed a bowl of cereal in front of him, "Thanks Nana."

"No problem," Jaemin responded and sat across from the two of them, his eyes skittering back and forth between Jisung and Jeno as they munched away on their breakfasts. "Make sure you don't waste your free day though."

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