Chapter Nine: I Love You With All My Heart

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Fiona followed back to the table just a few minutes later, pretending nothing happened.

"Lana, let's take a picture", Misty said, taking out her phone.

"Sure", she got closer to her friend, but before they could take a picture, Fiona interrupted her.

"I don't think this is a good place to take pictures", she said, proudly smiling when they moved away from each other.

"And why not?", Lana asked.

"Because...", she was trying to find a good excuse, "...the light is not good enough for pictures like that"

Misty nodded "She's right"

"Mmh", Lana looked into Fiona's eyes, giving her a very annoyed look.

Fiona gave her back a proud smile.

A few minutes later, the dishes everyone ordered were there, so they started to eat.

"This must be good", Misty told Lana, referring to the food she ordered.

"Want a bit of it?", she asked her friend, meanwhile Fiona was watching them.

"Sure, why not"

"Okay", Lana took a bit of it with her fork and was about to make her eat herself, when Fiona suddenly started loudly talking.

"So", she almost shouted, in order to frighten them.

Lana dropped her fork with the food and looked at Fiona, then sighed.

"Mmh? What?", she asked annoyed, then asked the waitor for another fork.

"Uhm.. nothing, just wanted to.. talk", Fiona uncomfortably said.

Lana shot her with another annoyed look, Misty stayed there to watch them, understanding that something was probably going on between the two.

Their 'killing looks' were interrupted by a man, one of the clients of the work presentation project.

"Miss Goode, we're ready for the presentation", he said.

She continued to look at Lana for a moment, then followed the man in the other room.


Everyone followed Fiona in the other room after some minutes to watch her presentation, which lasted 30 minutes or so.

"You did a great job", Lana went to her as she was alone, even though Lana was still annoyed for what happened before.

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