Chapter Twenty-Two: This Was Not Right

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A week went by since Lana and Fiona saw each other again for the first time after a year (and more) and this caused confusion in Lana, who knew very well how much she still loved Fiona.

During an evening like another, Lana and Wendy were cuddling on the sofa, but Wendy noticed something was wrong with Lana.

"Are you okay Lana?", her girlfriend asked her.

She had her head rested on her chest, her body was there but her mind was obviously somewhere else.


"Mmh?", she looked up at her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sure"

"Doesn't seem so. Did something happen?"

"No.. nothing happened. I'm just a little tired because of work. Don't worry", she said.

"Alright, then I believe you", she kissed her shortly.

Lana returned the kiss and rested her head on her chest again. How should she explain how she felt right now? She wouldn't have understood and it was not right anyways. All that Lana had to think about now was her work and her (soon-to-come) marriage.


A few days later, both companies organised a work event to celebrate their project and their collaboration. That was the moment when Fiona and Lana met once again, but this time Lana was not alone; indeed her fiancee Wendy was with her.

"Good evening everyone!", Lana shouted as she joined the group, in which Fiona stood as well.

"This is my fiancee Wendy, we're getting married in two weeks", she introduced her to everyone, then looked at Fiona.

As their looks met, everything around them seemed to disappear, there was no one or nothing else; just them. Fiona looked at her a bit sadly, she couldn't believe she was about to get married with another woman, but at the same time she knew this was her own fault.

"Well", a girl shouting made both of them come back to reality. "I think we should sit down to eat and talk about the work project", everyone followed her at the table, Lana and Fiona in front of each other.

"So Lana, would you explain to us what the project is about?", someone asked.

After a moment she managed to turn her attention away from Fiona and started talking about the project, which made her forget that Fiona was sitting in front of her.

She ended up talking for half an hour or so. "That sounds like a good plan", someone commented after Lana's speech.

"Thank you, I'm sure as well it'll turn out to be good"

"I'm sure of that", Fiona suddenly said and smiled at Lana, who just slightly returned the smile.


Before they had to leave, everyone stayed talking to each other for some minutes.

"Lana, sweetheart, there's a friend of mine there. I'll be back in a moment", Wendy said.


Once she was alone, and after lighting up a cigarette, Fiona couldn't help but to come closer to Lana.

"Hey", she said.

"Hey", she looked at her, in a way as if she missed looking at her, admiring her beauty.

"How are you Lana?"

"I'm alright, and you?"

"I'm fine"

"Okay", she nodded and didn't know what to say.

"Lana, I-", Grace's return interrupted her.

"Shall we go sweetheart?", she then asked.

"Yeah, sure", she said unsure, looking at Fiona.

"Have a good evening", Fiona said, before disappearing out of the restaurant.

Lana watched her going, her heart was beating so damn fast, but she had to calm down and follow Wendy outside.


She kept quiet as she got in the car with her, she was constantly thinking about Fiona, what did she want to say? What if Wendy didn't interrupt them? Since their first meeting, her mind (and heart)always brought her to Fiona, no matter what she was doing. But, this was not right.


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