The Struggle (KuroKen)

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🖤🖤Author: Hello my Apples and Jelly beans welcome to another one shot! This was inspired by skznayaa4🖤🖤

Wake up, play games, eat, play games and repeat. This was the way and the life for kenma.
On days that there wasn't school or practice, he'd hole himself up in his room and repeat the same actions.

This of course worried a very particular rooster haired boy. Kuroo hated that Kenma didn't seem to care about his own well being. He sent him text Every morning reminding him to eat breakfast,most times getting no response.

Kenma woke up on a Sunday morning. He had fallen asleep playing his switch, he hadn't even put on his pajamas or gotten under the blankets. His hair was tangled and in his face. He got up out of his bed, put his switch in the doc to charge and went to the bathroom to brush out the tangles hanging annoyingly in his face.

After he had finished he went to the kitchen to find a note from his parents. The note was a reminder that they were going to be gone for several days and that there was some leftovers in the fridge and money for take out.

He put the note down after reading it and proceeded to the fridge where he found an apple pie. He took a slice and sat at the table to eat it.

After he was finished he went back to his room. He picked up his phone and saw he had several messages from Kuroo reminding him to eat something and to drink some water. He had also said that he was coming over later.

Kenma didn't respond, he picked up his switch and began to play it. He stayed doing that for almost a solid five hours.  He was in the middle of a boss battle when there was a knock at the door.

He paused, out his switch down and went to answer the door.
There standing in front of him was Kuroo with a big smile on his face, holding two large grocery bags of food.

"I had to stop a boss battle, just so you know."  Kenma said a bit annoyed and let Kuroo come in.

"Sorry Kitten." Kuroo said, he came into the house and put the bags in the kitchen.

"What's in the bags?" Kenma asked.

"I thought I'd make dinner for us and we could watch a movie, since your parents are gone." Kuroo said, clear admiration in his voice.
"Speaking of food have you eaten today?" Kuroo asked hoping kenma would say yes.

"I had apple pie this morning." Kenma replied.

Kuroo stared at him.

"Kenma.... you can't do that it's bad for you." Kuroo said trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

Kenma didn't respond he just got his switch from his room then he sat on the couch and started to play it.

Annoyed by Kenma's lack of concern for his own health, Kuroo snatched the switch out of Kenma's grasp.

"Kuroo!!" Kenma yelled and leapt off the couch after him. "Give it back!" Kenma shouted reaching towards Kuroo's arm that was up in the air holding the switch over his head.

"No, make dinner with me and eat. Then you can have it back." Kuroo said, he put the switch up on the entertainment center where Kenma couldn't reach it.

He went into the kitchen and kenma angrily followed.

"What are we making anyway?" Kenma asked still mad.

"Pork curry." Kuroo said and began pulling the ingredients out of the bags, placing them on the counter.  "Can you cut the vegetables?" Kuroo asked handing an onion and a few carrots to Kenma.

Kenma took the vegetables. He pulled out a knife from a drawer and a cutting board. He didn't necessarily want to do this, but he knew the faster they made dinner the faster he could get back to his switch.

"Carful." Kuroo said as he watched Kenma cutting the vegetables in a seemingly non-coherent state.

Kenma stared at Kuroo as he continued to cut the vegetables, making Kuroo worry more that he'd end up cutting himself.

"Done" kenma said handing the cutting board to Kuroo with the vegetables on it.

Kuroo took it and sat it on the counter.

"I'll do the rest." He said.

Kenma went and sat at the kitchen counter. And watched Kuroo continue to make the the food. He turned some music on so there would be some background noise. He put it on his favorite playlist, a video game theme song list.

He started to hear Kuroo mumble and sing lyrics to one of the songs while he continued to cook. This caused Kenma to smile a bit, he didn't really know that Kuroo actually paid that much attention to his games yet alone the theme songs.

About twenty minutes later the food was done. Kuroo put a scoop of rice on two plates then put some curry over the rice. He put a plate in front of Kenma, then he took the seat next to him at the counter.

Kenma took a bite and tried to hide the smile on his face.

"Good?" Kuroo asked.

Kenma nodded in response.
After the two of them were done eating they went into the living room. Kuroo went to reach for Kenma's switch when he heard Kenma say,

Kuroo turned to him confused, he had assumed that Kenma would have been happy to get his beloved console back.

"You said you thought we could watch a movie,right?" Kenma asked and sat on the couch.

Kuroo nodded and sat next to him.

"You sure you want to watch one?" He asked trying to hide how happy and shocked he was.
"I thought we could the live action Lion King since we haven't seen it." He said.

"Okay." kenma said quietly.

They started the movie and Kenma scooted closer to Kuroo resting his head against his chest.

🖤🖤Author: Hello!! This is the End of this one shot! I'm sorry if it's terrible!! I'm not that great at Kuroken but I thought this was a cute idea. I hope you all have a good day!🖤🖤

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