Emotional Landfill (Tsukiyama)

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🖤🖤Author: Hello! So this is a Depressed Yamaguchi story. This will be trash.🖤🖤

Darkness was all Yamaguchi saw when he slept now. He hadn't had a dream in what seemed like months. He opened his eyes to the sound of the alarm. The light from the sun coming from the window was bright, far too bright. He rolled over to escape the bright rays that were burning his eyes. He saw Tsuki laying next to him, peacefully sleeping like there wasn't a single thing to worry about.

He reached over to touch the top of Tsuki's head and mess with some of his short blonde hair, only to have Tsuki bat his hand away.

"It's too early," Tsuki grumbled groggily and rolled over.

Yamaguchi sighed and laid onto his back. His head was racing with different thoughts and feelings. His brain filled to the brim with things, almost like a trash can of emotions that was too full.

He wasn't even sure why he felt this way. He didn't even have the energy to get out of bed. He felt trapped with his feelings and thoughts, like he was stuck with no way out.  His alarm went off again, and he had to will himself out of bed. He sluggishly got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make him and Tsuki some breakfast. He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. His brain was on autopilot, repeating the same actions that he did every day.

He took out the milk and four eggs. He sat everything down onto the counter and turned to shut the fridge door.

*crack* he heard the sound of an egg rolling off the counter and onto the floor.
He looked at it. His heart started to race at the thought of having to clean it up. Then he felt the warm sensation of a tear falling from his eye and rolling down his face. The thoughts in his head, telling him that he was worthless and couldn't do anything right. He stumbled back against the fridge and slid down onto the floor. He buried his face into his knees and cried.  The words in his head getting louder and louder as he sobbed on the floor as a landfill of emotions came storming their way out.

"Tadashi?" The sound of Tsuki's voice rang in his ears, blocking out the screaming thoughts in his head. 

Tsuki knelt down and lifted Yamaguchi's head to look at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, a bit confused why his boyfriend was sitting on the kitchen floor sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Tsikki, " Yamaguchi said and began to cry harder.

Tsuki knew that Yamaguchi had been feeling down and hadn't been himself, but he didn't think it had gotten this bad. He pulled him up by the hand and brought him into a hug.

"It's okay, " he said quietly.

"But the egg, " Yamaguchi said.

Tsuki looked down to see the egg on the floor. Be signed and held Yamaguchi tighter.

"It's okay ill clean it up, okay?" he said in the gentlest tone he had.

Yamaguchi sniffled.

"But I messed up; that's all I do is mess up."

"It's okay, " Tsukki said and took Yamaguchi into the living room and sat him on the couch.

Then he went back into the kitchen; he cleaned up the broken egg and made him and Yamaguchi some tea. He went back into the living room, where he saw Yamaguchi cocooned in a blanket on the couch with tears still streaming down his face.  He sat the cups of tea on the side table and sat on the couch next to Yamaguchi. He put his arms around his shoulder and brought his head to his chest while rubbing small circles on his shoulders to help soothe him.

He felt his breathing begin to even out as he relaxed into him, eventually falling asleep and dreaming of being someplace safe and happy, something he hadn't been able to do in a very long time.

🖤🖤Author: Heyy! Yeah, I know this is trash, and I apologize!!! I hope you all have a good day!!! Please stay safe! Don't go doing any dangerous acts now, okay?🖤🖤

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