The Proposel. DaiSuga

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Author: so welcome to my random one shot book enjoy!

It had been 6 days since Suga,Daichi and Asahi had officially said goodbye to their High school and the volleyball club.

Suga was having a bit of a hard time with it. Much harder then the other two seemed to be having. So many things both good and bad had happened there and now... He felt like he was leaving All of it behind.

Daichi knowing how sad his boyfriend was over this came up with a plan to make him happy again.

Go to the park.
Just do it... please.

Suga got up got dressed and headed to the park. The whole time wondering why Daichi would suddenly want him to go there. Once he made it to the park he looked for Daichi figuring he wanted to meet him there.
Ok... I'm here where
are you?
Home.... Now go to the
first place we kissed.
😤 your not even here?!
Daichi why are you doing
🥺 don't be mad.
Just go to that spot.

Suga went over the one of the of the dome play structures. He was genuinely confused on what all this was about. He could be at home still sulking over how much he would miss  everyone at Karasuno.

He stood there for a few seconds and looked around before a spotted a piece of paper folded up on the ground with his name on it.
(Seriously Daichi?) he thought.

He picked up the letter and read it.
{Now that you found this.
  Go to our innocent child's house.
     P.S this was our children's idea...
     ~Love Daichi. }

Suga read the letter and couldn't help but to smile and blush a little. Yeah this was super cheesy and corny, but the fact that everyone was attempting to do something for him made him happy.

After a few minutes of contemplating on witch child was the "innocent one" he came to the conclusion it was either Hinata or Yachi. Seeing as he didn't know where Yachi lived he decided to walk to Hinata's.

After ten minutes of walking he was at Hinata's house. When he got there he saw Hinata and Kageyama sitting on on the porch.
Hinata was holding a piece of paper assumably another letter for Suga.

"Hi Suga!" Hinata said with a smile as he excitedly reached out to give Suga the letter.
"You two know what's going on right." Suga said as he took the letter from Hinata.
Hinata nodded.
"Mind telling me then?" He asked.
"Can't." Kageyama said as he reached over and covered Hinata's mouth with his hand to prevent him from accidentally saying something.
Hinata pulled Kageyama's hand away.
"Daichi said if we told you anything he'd have Coach Ukai ban us from practice for a month."
"And Ukai agreed." Kageyama added.

"Ukai is involved too?" Suga said a little surprised.
Hinata nodded. "Yeah Takeda too. Pretty much everyone."

Kageyama covered Hinata's mouth again. "Shut up Dumbass before you say something else."

Suga laughed and decided he should probably read the letter before he caused the two of them to start arguing.
{Hi Suga ! It's me Hinata
writing this. Daichi wants
you to go where you to
Where you part ways
When you walk home.}

Suga stood there for a minute thinking of where to go. There were two places where they'd part ways depending on if they took a short cut or the long way. The long way was by where Asahi lived.

Suga said goodbye to Kageyama and Hinata and headed to where they'd split ways to go home. Another ten minutes later he was at the spot.
He looked around trying to find another letter. He walked around looking on the ground and even checked a few trees.... nothing.
He couldn't find one.
He decided to go to the other spot were they'd part ways. By this time he was getting just a little annoyed. At how vague the letter had been.
Once he got to the place he saw another folded up piece of paper on the ground. He picked it up. And read it.
{ This is your last one.
Go to the place we first
Met. Everyone is there.

Suga sighed. He was relieved that this was his last letter and that he could finally find out what all this was about. Now he had to go to the gym at karasuno. That was the first place they met each other.
As he got closer he started to get more excited.

When he got to the gym he paused for a moment. He was honestly quite nervous for some reason.
When he finally gathered up the nerves to go inside he almost couldn't believe it.
Everyone was there and holding a banner that said.
(Will you marry me?)
And kneeling in front of the banner holding a little box was none other then Daichi.

Suga slowly started to walk towards him.
"Daichi? You did all of this just to ask me to marry you?"

Daichi laughed
"Well it wasn't really my idea to do all of this... you can thank them for making you run around all day."
He said as he turned his head to everyone behind him. Every was pretty much vibrating with anticipation waiting for Suga to say yes.
Suga started to laugh. Honestly to think only a few hours before this he had been sad and laying in his bed thinking about how he was going to miss everyone.
Daichi stood up.
"So.... are you going to give me an answer?" He said while laughing along with Suga.
Suga stopped laughing and hugged Daichi.

"I think that's a yes!" Hinata yelled.
After that everyone congratulated them. Coach Ukai took everyone out to celebrate.

Author: so lol this is the first one I'm sorry if it's weird. I mostly just wanted to write a Daisuga story and this idea got into my head 🤣 so I'm sorry if it's bad.

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