A Cup Of Sugar (Daisuga)

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🖤🖤Author: Hello! Okay, this was was not a planned or requested story... I simply had it stuck in my head, so yeah! Enjoy!🖤🖤

"Suga-san, Suga-san!" The two small boys shouted as they came racing up to Suga.

"I won!" the smaller Orange hair boy said as he held on to Suga's leg and stuck his tongue out at the other boy, who had a slight scowl on his face.

Suga chuckled as he waved goodbye to the Two boys' parents.

"Come on, you two, the last one in the house doesn't get a popsi-" before Suga could get the words out of his mouth, the Two boys went bolting into the house.

"I beat you! Boke!" the black hair boy said as he stood over the orange-haired boy who had fallen.

"Kageyama, be nice to Hinata, " Suga said he helped the other boy up.

"Are you okay?" Suga asked as he checked for injuries.

"I'm fine, suga-san, " Hinata said and cupped Suga's face with his hands and squished his cheeks.

Suga laughed.
"Okay, you two play nice ill be back with some popsicles."

"But you said the last one in wouldn't get one," Kageyama said and gave Hinata a smirk.
Hinata pouted a bit.

Suga turned to them and smiled.

"I did say that, and I was the last one in."
Then he turned and went to the kitchen.

He returned to the living room where he had left the two boys where he saw Hinata ducked behind the couch, trying not to laugh as Kageyama counted.

"10!" Kageyama shouted as he turned and started to look for Hinata.

Suga laughed a bit as he motioned to the couch so Kageyama would know where to look.

"Found you! I win!" Kageyama shouted as he reached over the couch and ruffled Hinata's hair.

"So, do you want your popsicles?"  suga asked with a light chuckle.

The two came up to Suga and happily took the popsicles. 

"I'm going to make some cookies. You two stay in here and watch TV, " Suga said; he turned the Tv on and headed back into the kitchen. He took all the things out that he needed to make cookies. The flour, eggs, chocolate chips, butter, and vanilla. He reached for the container of sugar and found it was empty. He sighed as he thought for a moment about his options. He knew he could always go ask one of his neighbors, considering they all knew him and knew each other.  Well, everyone besides the new guy who moved in right next door.  Suga slipped on his shoes and walked into the living room.

"I'm going to go borrow some sugar, you two behave," He said and walked out of his front door, leaving it propped open just a bit so he could hear them if something happened.

He went to a few neighbor's houses and knocked on their doors only to find that no one was home. He looked to his new neighbor's house and saw that his car was in the driveway. He walked up to his door and knocked on it. A few moments later, a man with chocolate brown eyes and dark brown almost black short hair answered the door. For a moment, Suga almost couldn't speak. The man standing there in the doorway In front of him had him mesmerized.

"Hey, can I help you?" the man said, snapping Suga out of the trance he had been in.

"Hi, I'm your Neighbor Suagawara Kōshi, but you can call me Suga. I was wondering if you had some Sugar I could use."

The man gave him a friendly smile.
"Well, Sugawara Kōshi, I'm Daichi. It's nice to meet you." The man said and reached his hand out to Suga to shake.

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