Chillin in San Fran

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We woke up to the sunrise. Seizing the day we got up and ready. Our sky blue Mclaren SLR was taken out of the garage and we got in. Ben had no clue where to go so he just drove around. He looked so cool in his designer shades driving with one hand and the wind blowing his amazing hair. Ben took me to breakfast at The Pancake Parlour. "This is exactly what I am craving. With a nice Starbucks coffee this would be perfect". He excused himself to answer the phone. Typical. I couldn't have him for long. "Who was that? I asked after he got off the phone. "No one". A minute later a man rushed over to us. He handed Ben a Starbucks bag. Then he was gone. "Caramel frappe for the lady and a expresso for me". I smiled. That cheeky bastard called someone to get me a Starbucks frappe. I ordered the adults Alice in Wonderland. Ben ordered a pancake served with bacon and eggs. I laughed as Ben inhaled his food.

We took another cruise in our car. We ended up at a drive-in movie theater. We saw The Theory of Everything. I cried. Ben turned his head and I saw him wipe away tears too.

Back at the hotel we sat down to more Netflix. Broadchurch was there so we had a Broadchurch marathon. We went to bed really early because tomorrow we had Comic-Con.

Getting up with the sun had become a habit of ours. The Catwoman and Batman costumes were carefully laid out on the couch. Ben got into his suit while I wore a blue layered dress. It was formal but I didn't care. We got into a hired out limo with our costumes and were driven to the arena. "You look so pretty today. Now listen this is going to be insane ok? Fans screaming and trying to get to us. You will be safe with me and security is tight ok. If you want to leave tell me and we will go. I love you". We made out in the back seat. The car stopped and Ben went to open the door. "Ready"? I smiled and opened the door. We stepped into a empty carpark at the back of the stadium. We were quickly ushered away by security to a green room. Our costumes were placed on a rack and a list was on the table in the middle of the room.

Ben paced while I read the list of questions and answers. "You are not to answer unnessecary questions. No answers are to be given about Sherlock or Doctor Strange. You are not obligated to answer questions about your private life. You will be on the panel with the cast and writers of The Imitation Game. Good luck". He sat and placed his hands over his face. "Calm down. It will be fine. You will be Batman soon". I rubbed his back and a woman came in. "Ben your required on the panel now". She lead Ben away. I went to explore.

It was fangirl/fanboy heaven. Everything from anime to horror to drama. There was Supernatural stands, Doctor Who stands, Broadchurch stands and Torchwood stands. I bought merch from all four main stands. I also got a backstage pass to meet the casts. The only downside was I had already met half the stars as they were my best friends. They introduced me to their co-workers. The boys from Supernatural were a lot of fun and Olivia Colman was super nice.

I saw Jenna, John, Arthur and David. I took them all to the green room from earlier. I chatted to all of them until Jenna, John and Arthur had to go for interviews. David's wasn't until later so he stayed. "I told Ben about our arrangement. He was hurt. We were stopped and I was stressed so I ran. There was a park. Matt picked me up and took me back to his place. Ben was waiting". He looked so upset. "If I caused trouble between you two I could never forgive myself. I am sorry you had to go through that". I wrapped my arms around him. "It's ok. He is ok now. He had no choice. It's my choice anyway". He smiled. "Thank you".

David left for an interview minutes later. I got into my costume. Ben was done on the panel so he changed too. We walked together. Fans constantly asked for photos. They loved our costumes and were none the wiser to our identities.

Comic-Con finished quite early. We stayed our last night at the hotel.

In the morning we packed and got ready to go home. "Home at last. I miss the place. Everyones probably waiting for us". I called Sky and told her we would be home sometime today or tomorrow.

I couldn't wait to stop flying so much. I was exhausted. All the jetlag was wearing me down. I was almost at the 5 month mark with the pregnancy. It was getting exciting. We still had to arrange for the nursery to be painted and we still had stuff to get. I realised we hadn't opened wedding presents so there might be baby stuff in there.

We stepped off the plane in LA. I slept all the way back to the apartment. We got to the door of the apartment we call home and Ben picked me up. He kicked open the door and there waiting was Jocelyn, Charlie, Sky and Mel. Jocelyn and Charlie were putting a stroller together while Sky and Mel were assembling a crib. Mel glares at Sky."You said they probably won't be home until tomorrow". Welcome back guys. "You didn't have to do all of this for us". Jocelyn shook her head. "We didn't have to, we wanted to. And the nursery has to dry". Charlie laughed. "Mummy you ruined the surprise. You said I couldn't keep a secret". Ben left my side and walked to the nursery. "Rosie, you might want to see this". I went to see and my eyes couldn't comprehend what they had done. A starry night was depicted on the ceiling. A blue police box was flying through space on one wall. A mural was on the other wall. The mural was of all the doctors, including Peter, standing at the controls of their individual TARDIS'. On the back wall was a painting of a deerstalker and a magnifying glass. "It's amazing. Thank you so much guys". I hugged them all. They all left so we could sleep.

The next day we opened wedding presents. We laughed as we opened a package from Karen. It was a baby Batman jumpsuit complete with a mask. It was adorable. Other presents included neutral baby clothes and toys, a black iron lace frame and other things for the house. We sent thankyou notes to everyone and just chilled.

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