Meeting the in laws

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"Get up Rosie. We are going to my parents today". I got out of bed, threw up and showered. I picked out a nice but casual dress to wear. Ben looked gorgeous as usual in his suit.

We got in his car. Driving for what felt like forever we arrived at his parents house. He knocked on the door and a woman answered. "Ben, so good to have you home. And who is this beautiful girl? I am Wanda and this is Timothy, my husband". Ben stepped forward and gave his mother a kiss. I gave her a hug and kiss as well. "I am Rosalyn, Ben's fian... girlfriend. Ben has told me so much about you". I gave Timothy a kiss and stepped inside.

After I finished throwing up my stomach I flushed the toilet and stood up. I turned to the side and looked in the mirror. No bump yet. I washed my hands and walked back to the living room. Wanda was making lunch. She was making a amazing roast.

Ben excused himself and took me by the hand. He grabbed my waist. "Are you ok? My mum is getting sus". I sighed. "I am fine Ben". We walked back into the living room. "Lunch is ready" Wanda called from the kitchen.

I took my place next to Ben at the table. I picked at my food. "Is it ok? I didn't know what you liked". "Its fine, I think I caught a virus when we were away in Paris". She looked at Ben. "How was Paris? Its so romantic right"? I looked at her suspiciously. She knew something. "Are you two engaged"? Timothy looked at his wife. "Wanda". "How does everyone know Ben"? Wanda nearly fainted."I was only kidding. I didn't expect you to say you were. Well congratulations. Anything else you would like to get off your chest"? She had a mothers instinct so may as well tell her. "I'm pregnant".

After lunch Ben sat down and caught up with his dad while I got to know his mum. "Do you love Ben"? I didn't know how to respond as I hadn't even said it to Ben. "Yeah of course". She smiled a polite smile. "He loves you, he smiles brighter around you. You can see it in his eyes. If your the one then I respect his choice and I think you guys are perfect together". She wrapped her arms around me. "He is going to treat you like a princess". I felt hands over my eyes. "Hello princess. Are you feeling ok"? "I am fine stop worrying". He kisses me.

"Bye Wanda. Bye Tim. Nice to meet you". She gave me a hug. "Keep me updated". I nodded. Ben gave his parents a hug and we left. Driving over to Mels we sung along to every song on the radio.

Mels swings the door open. "Sis. Ben. How are you? Where have you been for the past couple of days"? I hugged her. We sat down on her couch as I explained almost everything to her.

About half an hour later Ben pulled Mel out of the room and asked if he could marry me. I heard a scream as she ran over to me. "I am going to be an aunty and a sister-in-law. God you want me to have a heart attack don't you"? She smirked. "You better love my sister and treat her like the princess she is". He nodded, a little afraid of her. "Awww you two are going to get along so well". She looked at me through blurry eyes. "If he is perfect for you then he is perfect for a brother in-law. Especially since he can reveal spoilers to me about Sherlock". He had a smug look on his face. "Confidentiality, NO exceptions.

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